marți, 30 aprilie 2013

Spring temptations

The time quickly has past and here we are near the 1 May mini vacation,  that turned into a real vacation, the weather is beautifull and a vacation at the sea side or why not at the mountains goes very well. Can the Easter come withought renewing ourself? Spring just came, we clean the house, the closets and throught our clothes so this is a good moment to turn ourself to some cute dresses, no?
With this ocasion I said I should show  you what I would like to wear.

Repede a mai trecut timpul si iata ca suntem aproape de minivacanta de 1 Mai care s-a transformat intr-o adevarata vacanta, vremea e frumoasa si ar merge foarte bine o vacanta pe la mare sau de ce nu la munte. Pai si se poate sa vina Pastele fara sa ne innoim? Doar a venit primavara, facem curat in casa , in dulapuri si printre haine si e un moment bun sa ne indreptam spre niste rochite dragute nu?
Cu aceasta ocazie am zis sa va prezint ce mi-ar place mie sa port.

The dress below reminds me of the sea, I would picture myself on a tropical island with a cocktail in my hand in a seaside terace feeling the breeze through my hair. You can find it here.

Rochia de mai jos imi aduce aminte de mare, m-as vedea in ea pe o insula tropicala cu un coktail in mana la o terasa pe malul marii simtind briza prin parul meu. O puteti gasi aici.
If I was just talking about the sea, I know that some persons prefer to spend their 1 May vacation at the seaside and I think that this year they have chosen well, because the weather seems nice and sunny. Thinking about this I took a peek at the swim suits. This ones attracted my atention so far:
Daca tot vorbeam de mare, stiu ca unele persoane prefera sa petreaca vacanta de 1Mai la mare si cred ca anul acesta au ales bine, deoarece vremea se anunta frumoasa si innsorita. Cu ocazia asta m-am mai uitat si eu asa pe la costume de baie.Acestea mi-au atras atentia pana acuma:
I really like the shape this first swimsuit from the first picture, but I think that is good for a covered swimming pool  so you do not tan with stripes. At the other two the golden accents atracted me, I really like the in combination with black and white. Here you can find many other beautifull swimsuits.
La primul costum imi place forma, imi plac cele cu diverse modele, insa eu cred ca sunt pentru gen piscine acoperite ca sa nu te bronzezi cu dungi. La celelalte doua m-au atrans accentele aurii, imi plac foarte mult mai ales in combinatie cu negru si alb. Puteti gasi aici multe alte modele frumoase de costume de baie.

 I also took a peek at some blouses because I do not really have many.

Am tras cu ochiul si la niste bluzite ca nu prea am.
In general I prefer loose blouses or t-shirts...but lately the blouses with elegant details attracted my attention. The last blouse is exacly what I like, I love the ones that are loose and it has such a nice model.

In general prefer bluzite, tricouri lejere...insa in ultima vreme mi-au atras atentia cele cu detalii mai elegante. Ultima bluza e fix pe gustul meu, imi plac la nebunie cele lejere, vaporoase si are un model asa dragut.

Enough with the temptation for today, I leave the online searches for another day. What tempts you lately? If you liked the clothes chosed by me you can find them here, among with other models.
Gata cu tentatiile pe ziua de azi, mai las cautarile pe internet si pe alte zile. Pe voi ce va tenteaza in ultima vreme? Daca v-au placut hainutele ales de mine le puteti gasi aici, alaturi de multe alte modele.

All the best,

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