I must admit that in April I bought many things that I hadn't the chance to show you, in this post I want to show you what I got and maybe it inspires you to go shopping.
In luna aprilie trebuie sa recunosc ca am cumparat cam multe si nu am apucat sa vi le arat si voua, in acest pot vreau sa va prezint ce mi-am luat si poate va inspira si pe voi la noi cumparaturi.
I think you know that I really wanted some Golden Rose Jolly Jewels nail polishes, unfortunately I can not find them in my town...so when I saw at Adina's blog sale two Golden Rose Jolly Jewels nail polishes I did not know how to contact her quicker...You can see that I bought some nails polishes and Adina was very nice to also send me some tee bags and small chocolates, Thank you!
Stiti cred ca vroiam foarte mult niste oje Golden Rose Jolly Jewels, din pacate la mine in oras nu gasesc...si cand am vazut la blog sale la Adina doua oje Golden Rose Jolly Jewels nu stiam cum sa o contactez mai repede...Puteti vedea ca am luat oleaca mai multe oje si Adina a fost foarte draguta si mi-a trimis si niste pliculete de ceai si ciocolatele mici, Multumesc!
I bought several nail polishes, stones and sequins...the nail polishes cost were between 0.6-1.2$ and others 2.1$(Flormar) and 2.7$(Essence). The nail accessories I bought from E-Gros, they have many stores with nail polishes and stuff and they had great models at a good price, but for nail polishes I prefer other stores because I can find them at a cheaper price.
The hand and nail cream from Farmec is almost empty so I went in a search to try something else, the sent from the Elmiplant hand cream with honey attracted me, but once I was home I wasn't so impressed with her, because I was looking for something more nourishing and this one is pretty light, good for the day.
Lately I was using the nail polish remover from Mireille without acetone, but even so I damaged my nails...it had dried my skin very much and the nails had a white aspect, like dried, so I got a kit from Rimmel with acetone and nail polish, at just 3$. At the moment I am very pleased with it, it smells nice, although it has acetone it contains glycerin and vitamin E so it doesn't dry my nails at all.
Mi-am cumparat diverse oje, prietricele si paiete pentru unghii...preturi ojele unele au fost intre 2-4 Ron si altele 7 Ron(Flormarm) si 9 Ron(Essence). Accesoriile pentru unghii le-am luat din E-Gros, au multe magazine cu oje si chestii de genu si aveau modele faine si bune la pret, dar pentru oje prefer alte magazine deoarece le pot gasi mai ieftin.
Crema de maini si unghii de la Farmec mi se termina asa ca am pornit sa mai incerc si altceva, m-a atras mirosul la crema de la Elmiplant cu miere, dar ajunsa acasa nu am fost asa de impresionata de ea, deoarece eu cautam ceva mai gras si ea e destul de usoara, buna pentru zi.
In ultima vreme foloseam dizolvantul pentru unghii fara acetona de la Mireille, dar si asa mi-a distrus unghiile...se usca foarte tare pielea de langa si unghiile aveau un strat asa de alb pe deasupra, asa ca am luat un chit de la Rimmel cu acetona si oja, la doar 10 Ron. Momentan sunt foarte multumita de ea, miroase frumos, desi are acetona contine glicerina si vitamina E si nu imi usuca deloc unghiile.
Until the other days at elf all the products were reduced with 25% so I made a small order. I did not buy many thing because I kind of spent my money already and also the weren't so many things that tempted me, the ones that I liked I read reviews and I wasn't satisfied. I bought false lashes, 2$, I said to not buy something expensive so I have what to destroy at first, an eyebrow kit, 5$ , my first kit...until now I used the eyebrow pencil from Rimmel which I am very pleased with, a nail buffer 2$ and because I had 6 products, I ordered with someone, and I recommended to 10 friends I got a quad, Butternut.
Pana zilele trecute la elf toate produsele au fost reduse cu 25% asa ca am dat si eu o mica comanda. Nu mi-am luat multe deoarece cam cheltuisem banii pe luna aceasta si nici nu m-au tentat multe lucruri, ce ma tenta am citit review-uri si nu prea erau multumitoare. Mi-am cumparat gene false, 6.75 Ron, am zis sa iau ceva nu prea scump ca sa am ce strica la inceput, un kit de sprancene 16.5 Ron, primul meu kit...pana acuma foloseam creionul de sprancene de la Rimmel de care sunt foarte multumita, un nail buffer 6.75 Ron si pentru ca m-am incadrat la 6 produse, am dat impreuna cu altcineva, si am recomandat la 10 prieteni am primit un fard, Butternut.
And now to present them.
Si acuma sa le prezint pe rand.
-Classics glamour 209
-Eveline 89( 3 layers)
- Flormar U22 & Classics glamour 209
-Kallos 252
-Leydi 809
-Natty 461
-Rimmel 313 cokctail passion
-Ruby rose 94
- Flormar N002 ( 3 layers )
- Gabrini M110 I used it here/ Am folosit-o aici
- Gabrini N04 I used it here/Am folosit-o aici
-Natty 471 I used it here and here/ Am folosit-o aici si aici
-Classics Glamour 123 I used it here , here and here/ Am folosit-o aici , aici si aici
-M cosmetics I used it here and here / Am folosit-o aici si aici
-Essence 08 peach & cream
-Essence 07 ice, ice baby!
-Golden Rose 69
-Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 106 & 109
What have you bought lately? Doesn't anything from this post attracts you?
Voi ce ati mai cumparat in ultima vreme? Va face ceva cu ochiul din cele de mai sus?
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Google Reader se inchide de la 1 iulie
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*Nu uitati de concursul impreuna cu FashionQueen unde puteti castiga o rochie de aici.
All the best,
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