sâmbătă, 20 aprilie 2013

Challenge 14 : Delicate print

Todays theme is delicate print, my opinion is that this is a difficult theme, because this term of delicat is relativ. So in this post you will find delicate manicures in the way I see them, maybe some of you will think that this manicures do not fit here, but as I said it is relative. It was hard to get my inspiration, but after many thought and searched I made this manicures.

Tema de astazi este print delicat, dupa parerea mea este o tema destul de dificila, deoarece acest termen de delicat este relativ. Deci in acest post o sa gasitit printuri delicate asa cum le consider eu, poate pentru unii dintre voi unele manichiuri nu s-ar incadra aici, dar cum am zis este relativ. Cu greu mi-am gasit inspiratia pentru acesta tema, dar dupa multe cautari si gandiri am pus la cale aceste manichiuri.

 Nail polishes used/Oje folosite:
Some of the nail polishes used are new in my collection and I hope I will introduce them in a post.

Unele din ojele folosite sunt noi in colectia mea si sper sa vi le arat intr-un nou post.

If you like you can see my manicures from the other themes that I participated: Dacă doriți puteți vedea abordările la celelalte teme la care am participat: Challenge 4 : Orange nails
 Challenge 5: Stripes
 Challenge 6 : Inspired by a song
 Challenge 7 : Yellow nails
 Challenge 8 : Animal print
 Challenge 9: Inspired by a movie  
 Challenge 10 :  Green Nails
 Challenge 11 :  Flowers
Challenge 12 : Inspired by a book 
 Challenge 13 : Blue nails

Do not forget to check out the work of the other girls/ Nu uitați să vedeți și opera celorlalte fete din colaborare:
1. Georgia - http://giamakeup.blogspot.ro
2. Dee - http://bydee-make-up.blogspot.ro/
3. Agota - http://www.nailglaze.com
4. Alina - http://alinaluibrumarel.blogspot.ro/
5.  Aby - http://abycandy.blogspot.com
6. Andreea M. - http://summer-gold.blogspot.ro
7. Maya MakeUp - http://mayadumitrescu.blogspot.ro/
8. Carla - http://sunafterstormblog.blogspot.ro
9. Roxy(Beautylicious) -  http://roxy-ch.blogspot.ro
10. Ioana - http://ioana-make-up.blogspot.ro/
11. Elisa - http://littlebeautybagcta.blogspot.ro
12. Ana-Maria: http://ana-s-beautyblog.blogspot.de/
13. Ana - http://missingpieceofmypuzzle.blogspot.ro/
14. Cleo - http://frumuseteacleopatrei.blogspot.ro/
15. Diana - http://cherryqueendee.blogspot.ro/
16. Diana(Beauty Mix) - http://dianabeautymix.blogspot.ro/
17. C.L.M.- http://unghii-pictate.blogspot.ro
18. Laura - http://www.laurabalaban.blogspot.nl/
19. Josephine - http://rainbowsinajar.blogspot.ro/
20. Flori - http://blogbyflora.blogspot.ro/

 Google Reader will retire on the 1st of July, 2013. Too keep yourself up to date with my newest post  you can follow me via Bloglovin, if you aren't familiar with this read my post.

Google Reader se inchide de la 1 iulie 2013. Pentru a fi la curent cu noile mele postari puteti sa ma urmariti pe Bloglovin, daca nu sunteti familiarizati cu acesta puteti citi postul meu.

*Nu uitati de concursul impreuna cu I Love Cosmetics Romania unde ofer doua unturi de corp de aici si de cel impreuna cu FashionQueen unde puteti castiga o rochie de aici.

All the best,

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