marți, 23 aprilie 2013

Clouds of color

In an earlier post I told you that you are going to see some pastel manicures on the I am, I kept my promise and I am showing what I am wearing these days.

Intr-o postare anterioara v-am zis ca o sa vedeti multe manichiuri pastele pe blog...iata ca m-am tinut de cuvant si prezint manichiura mea de zilele acestea.
And the mate version./Si versiunea mata.

Nail polishes used/Ojele folosite.

-Leydi 720
-Gabrini M 110
-Mi cosmetics
-Classics 123
-Natty 471
-Classics 210
-Rimmel 835
I hope you like it. I think they look like some clouds, from here the name of the post, but someone said it looks like a rainbow, so what do you think? 

Sper sa va placa. Mie mi se pare ca arata ca niste norisori, de aici si numele postului, insa cineva mi-a zis ca arata ca un curcubeu, voi ce credeti?

Google Reader will retire on the 1st of July, 2013. Too keep yourself up to date with my newest post  you can follow me via Bloglovin or Twitter, if you aren't familiar with this read my post.

Google Reader se inchide de la 1 iulie 2013. Pentru a fi la curent cu noile mele postari puteti sa ma urmariti pe Bloglovin sau Twitter, daca nu sunteti familiarizati cu acesta puteti citi postul meu.

*Nu uitati de concursul impreuna cu I Love Cosmetics Romania unde ofer doua unturi de corp de aici si de cel impreuna cu FashionQueen unde puteti castiga o rochie de aici.
All the best,

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