vineri, 19 aprilie 2013

Makeup series - Inspired by a dress

This week's theme put me in a difficult spot, because I have not thought about dresses lately, being cold outside and how I prefer loose summer dresses. The other day I started a contest where you can win a dress and with this ocasion I was looking on the sponsors page to see what could I buy, and for my surprise not the colored happy dresses atracted me but this one.

Tema de saptamana aceasta m-a pus in dificultate, pentru ca nu prea m-am gandit la rochii in ultima vreme, fiind frig si cum eu prefer rochiile lejere de vara.  Zilele trecute am dat drumul la un concurs care are ca premiu o rochie si cu ocazia asta ma uitam pe pagina sponsorului sa vad ce achizitii as putea face, si spre surprinderea mea nu rochiile colorate si vesele mi-au atras atentia ci aceasta.
Isn't the dress gorgeous? and this is how I found my inspiration, I already made a lot of colored makeups lately. I had the inspiration so what next? The makeup obvious, I made a smokey eye with a golden touch, which I liked very much.

Nu e superba rochia? asa am ajuns la inspiratia mea, ehh si asa am facut multe machiaje colorate in ultima vreme. Avem inspiratia deci ce mai ramane ? Machiajul, evident, am facut un smokey eyes cu auriu, care , cel putin mie, mi-a placut foarte mult cum a ajuns.
I already gotten used to paint my face every time, in an attempt of fantasy makeup.

Si cum deja v-am obisnuit, nu puteam fara sa ma murdaresc si pe fata, in incercarea unui machiaj fantasy.
If you want to see the other makeups from this series:/Dacă vreți să vedeți celelalte machiaje realizat pentru această colaborare:
1. Spring trends inspiration makeup
 2. Inspired by a flower makeup
3. Everyday makeup

I hope you like it and do not forget to check out all the talented girls that are in this collaboration:

 Sper că vă place și nu uitați să treceți pe la celelalte fete talentate care participă la această colaborare:

 Google Reader will retire on the 1st of July, 2013. Too keep yourself up to date with my newest post  you can follow me via Bloglovin, if you aren't familiar with this read my post.

Google Reader se inchide de la 1 iulie 2013. Pentru a fi la curent cu noile mele postari puteti sa ma urmariti pe Bloglovin, daca nu sunteti familiarizati cu acesta puteti citi postul meu.

*Nu uitati de concursul impreuna cu I Love Cosmetics Romania unde ofer doua unturi de corp de aici si de cel impreuna cu FashionQueen unde puteti castiga o rochie de aici.

All the best,

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