miercuri, 17 aprilie 2013

Flower Wednesday - Week 3

To bring spring into your hearts we started a collaboraion, flower Wednesday, during 4 weeks in this day we will post flower manicures. Unfortunetly at the first two I did not participated, but seeing the weather getting nicer and warmer made me want a floral print on my nails.
Pentru a aduce primavara in sufletele voastre am inceput o colaborare, miercurea cu flori, pe decursul a 4 saptamani, in care in ziua respectiva vom posta manichiuri inflorate. Din pacate la primele doua saptamani nu am participat, dar acuma vazand cum  s-a incalzit afara mi-a facut pofta de niste floricele vesele pe unghiile mele.

Recently I had another collaboration where the theme was floral print and I made, along other manicures, a colored french with some flowers. I really like the model at that moment so I decided to reproduce  it with other colors.

Recent am mai avut o colaborare unde tema era print floral si am realizat printre alte manichiuri un french colorat cu niste floricele. Modelul mi-a placut mult la acel moment si am decis sa il reproduc cu alta gama de culori.

I hope you like it.

Sper sa va placa.

Nail polishes used/ Oje folosite:
-Classics Glamour 123
- Moyra Top Coat
- Flormar Plus Quartz 12
- Farmasi 31
- Farmasi Base Coat

Do not forget to check out the other blogs that have joined Flower Wednesday.

Nu uitati sa treceti si pe la celelalte fete din colaborarea Miercurea Florala.

1. Agota - http://www.nailglaze.com/
2. Roxana - http://roxyru.blogspot.ro
3.Deyutza - http://deyutza87.blogspot.ro/
4. Ana Maria - http://unghiutelemele.blogspot.ro/
5. Carla - http://sunafterstormblog.blogspot.ro
6. Josephine - http://rainbowsinajar.blogspot.ro/
7. Diana(Beauty Mix) - http://dianabeautymix.blogspot.ro/

 Google Reader will retire on the 1st of July, 2013. Too keep yourself up to date with my newest post  you can follow me via Bloglovin, if you aren't familiar with this read my post.

Google Reader se inchide de la 1 iulie 2013. Pentru a fi la curent cu noile mele postari puteti sa ma urmariti pe Bloglovin, daca nu sunteti familiarizati cu acesta puteti citi postul meu.

*Nu uitati de concursul impreuna cu I Love Cosmetics Romania unde ofer doua unturi de corp de aici.

All the best,

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