Today is time for a new technique post, fishtail nails.
If you search the internet I am sure you are going to find a lot of tutorial
and it is not that hard, the difficult part is to find nail polishes that look
good together and to draw straight lines.
Astazi e timpul pentru o noua postarea din seria tehnicilor,
fishtail nails. Daca va uitati pe internet sunt sigura ca o sa gasiti o
multitudine de tutoriale si nici nu e greu de realizat, partea dificila e sa
gasiti oje care arata bine impreuna si sa trasati linii drepte.
The straight line part didn't worked to well for me, I
didn't had the patience to wait for the nail polish to dry so when I put a new
layers the nail polishes blended a little bit...another thing is that the
orange glitter nail polish didn't covered well so I added a thicker layer so it
doesn't look so straight...If you use good nail polishes, wait for them to dry
and careful draw the lines I am sure you are going to have a beautiful
Partea cu liniile drepte nu a mers prea bine pentru mine, nu
am avut rabdare sa le las sa se usuce asa ca atunci cand adaugam un strat de
oja nou se cam amestecau...alt lucru e ca oja portocalie cu glitter nu acoperea
bine asa ca am decis sa pun un strat mai gros si nu arata prea drept....Daca
folositi oje bune, asteptati sa se usuce si trasati cu grija liniile sunt
sigura ca o sa aveti o manichiura frumoasa.
With flash light/ Cu blit:
I wanted a more autumn design, this is why I chose some
red, golden and orange and some orange rhinestones to complete the design.
Am vrut un model mai tomnatic, de aceea am ales rosu, auriu si portocaliu si niste
pietricele portocalii(de pe DepozituldeFrumusete) pentru a completa.
The themes of this challenge/Temele din aceasta colaborare:
I hope it is not a total disaster and that you like it a
little bit.
Sper ca nu este chiar un dezastru si ca va place cat de cat.
All the best,
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