vineri, 13 septembrie 2013

Autumn and Winter Nail Art Challenge: 2. Back to school

School is around the corner or in many countries is already began, I am lucky I begin on the first of octomber. Today we are having a fun theme, back to school, so gather your pencils, creions and books and here we go.

Scoala pandeste de dupa colt sau in multe tari deja a inceput, eu sunt norocoasa incep pe 1 octombrie. Astazi avem o tema distractiva, inapoi la scoala, asa ca adunativa pixurile, creioanele si caietele si sa incepem.

I started with a black nail polish and then added rimmel mattifiang top coat to make it look like a board and with some acrylics painted some matematic characters.

Am inceput cu o oja neagra peste care am adaugat un strat de top coat mattifiant de la rimmel pentru a o face sa arate ca o tabla si cu niste acrilice am adaugat niste insemne matematice.
I also wanted to do a manicure like a notebook with newspaper print and adding some lines, but I do not have time to do that so  I hope you like this one.

Am vrut sa fac si o manichiura precum un caiet cu print de ziar si sa adaug niste linii, dar nu am timp sa o fac si pe aceasta asa ca sper sa va placa cea care am facut-o.
Here are the themes/Acestea sunt temele: 

How are you preparing for school?

Voi cum va pregatiti pentru scoala?

*Nu uitati de concursul de pe facebook unde puteti castiga un plic si cel de aici. 

All the best, 

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