For today I have prepared another series of photos from my
vacation. Because we went out during the evening, the photos are made in the dark,
but they are not that bad. Most of the time I wore dresses so the outfit it is
not a surprise. If you are wondering about the title, it was inspired by
my green makeup, for which I used only the wow cosmetic palette.
Pentru astazi am pregatit o alte serie de poze din vacanta.
Pentru ca ieseam de obicei seara, pozele sunt facut in intuneric, dar nu sunt
asa rele. Majoritatea timpului am purtat rochii asa ca outfit-ul nu este nici o
surpriza. Daca va intrebati de titlu, a fost inspirat de machiajul meu
verde, la care am folosit doar paleta wow cosmetic.
Dress Takko
Bracelet & Ring Jolie Jewels
Earring Random Store
If you have read my article goodies from my vacation, then
you must have noticed the bracelets and the ring from Jolie Jewels. I thought that this dress would go well with
the heart ring and the purple with charms bracelet. In this way the outfit it
is kind of childish.
In cazul in care ati citit articolul meu goodies from myvacation, atunci trebuie sa fi remarcat bratarile si inelul de la Jolie Jewels.
Am crezut ca aceasta rochie ar merge bine cu inelul in forma de inima si cu
bratara mov cu pandantive. In acest fel outfit-ul este mai jucaus.
What great time I had, too bad it is over and soon the
school will begin...How did you spend your last days of summer?
Ce momente frumoase au fost, pacat ca s-au terminat si ca in
curand scoala incepe...Voi cum ati petrecut ultimele zile din vacanta?
*Nu uitati de concursul de pe facebook unde puteti castiga un plic si cel de aici.
All the best,
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