luni, 19 august 2013

Smile and shine with silver jewelry

The world of silver jewelry is a world filled with elegance and I always wanted to be a part of it, but I never could find the right pieces for me, I couldn't find fashionable items...well that is before I found There I could find a lot of products of my taste and at very good prices, so my silver jewelry collection got bigger with some beautiful items. I can still remember what was my first piece of silver jewelry and I still have it, I received it from my parents at the age of 14, a simple but nice ring with blue and white stones.

Universul bijuteriilor este un univers plin de eleganta si intotdeauna am vrut sa fac parte din el, dar nu reuseam sa gasesc piesele potrivite pentru mine, nu reuseam sa gasesc produse moderne.... acestea erau inainte sa gasesc  Aici am gasit o multitudine de produse pe gustul meu si la preturi bune, astfel colectia mea de bijuterii de argint s-a marit cu niste piese foarte frumoase. Inca imi aduc aminte care a fost prima mea bijuteri de argint, pe care o am si in ziua de azi, am primit-o de la parinti mei la varsta de 14 ani, un inel simplu dar dragut cu pietricele albe si albastre.
 The outfit is simple a pink dress from C&A, was only 10$, black platforms, I have them for a while and jewelry from Bellast.

Tinuta e destul de simpla rochie roz de la C&A, redusa la 29 Ron de la 139 Ron, platforme negre, le am de ceva timp si bijuterii de la Bellast.
At the end of our short journey into the silver jewelry world of Bellast I will present the two beautiful pieces that remained hidden until now.

La sfarsitul scurtei calatori in lumea bijuteriilor de argint din Bellast voi prezenta ultimele doua piese care au ramas ascunse pana acum.

The earrings are Fashion Copper Three Frosted Heart DropEarrings With 925 Sterling Silver Plated. I told you that I like small earrings, but I also like the ones that are medium and just hang freely in the air. This ones are with three little hearts, one shine in the middle and two textured ones on the sides. I like the shape of the hearts, they aren’t straight, they look like their moved by the wind. I do not think these earrings need an introduction, if you like them, you just like them. They are shiny, silver plated, really light 10g, very cute with the little hearts so what more you want?

Cerceii sunt Fashion Copper Three Frosted Heart DropEarrings With 925 Sterling Silver Plated.V-am spus ca imi plac cerceii mici, dar imi plac si cei medii care plutesc in aer. Acestia sunt cu trei inimioare mici, una stralucitoare in mijloc si doua texturate pe margini. Imi place forma inimioarelor, pentru ca nu sunt drepte, par ca si cand ar fi miscate de vant. Nu cred ca acestei cercei au nevoie de o introducere, daca ii placi, atunci ii placi. Acestia sunt stralucitori, placati cu argint, foarte usori 10 g, draguti cu inimioare mici asa ca puteti vrea mai mult?
 The necklace is 18'' Acacia Red Bean Love Pendant with 925 Sterling Silver Plated Copper.First of all I am going to share with you a forbidden information, this necklace was chose by my boyfriend…I wasn’t so attracted by it, it wasn’t quite my style. But now I am glad I listened to him and took it, because I kind of like it. It is quite a strange necklace due to its shape, of a bean, but I like it, it is kind of minimalistic.  If you want a delicate necklace, that would add some shine to your outfit, but not to much, would refine, but not attract all the attention, well we have a winner. This is a for a nice outfit, but in which it is not the center of attention, but contributes to the entire look.

Colierul este 18'' Acacia Red Bean Love Pendant with 925 Sterling Silver Plated Copper.In primul rand am sa impartasesc cu voi o informatie interzisa, acest colier a fost ales de prietenul meu…eu nu eram atrasa de el, nu era stilul meu. Dar acum sunt fericita ca am ascultat de el si l-am luat, pentru ca imi cam place. Este un colier ciudat din cauza formei sale, de fasola, dar imi place, este cam minimalist. Daca vreti un colier delicat, care adauga putina stralucire tinutei, dar nu prea multa, care imbunatateste, dar care nu atrage toata atentia, avem un castigator. Aceste este pentru o tinuta draguta, dar in care nu e centrul atentiei, ci contribuie la intreaga imagine.
What do you think about my journey into the world of silver jewelry, do you wear silver? If so, do you like the ones I presented, don't forget they have good prices and free shipping.
Ce parere aveti despre calatoria mea in lumea bijuteriilor de argint, voi purtati argint?Daca da, va plac cele prezentate de mine, nu uitati ca au preturi bune si transport gratuit.
*Do not forget about the international Giveaway were you can win a jewelry of your choice from here.
*Nu uitati de concursul unde premiul este o bijuterie la alegere de aici

All the best,

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