vineri, 23 august 2013

Flowers all the way

Trends are not to follow blindly, that is how I see them, but to adopt them and make it our own, depending on our personality. I can not call myself a fashionable person, because I do not buy clothes when a new trend appears, I buy them when I need, when I like what I see and when they fit and advantage me...I think this way should every person do...

Trendurile nu sunt pentru a le urma orbeste, cel putin asa cred eu, ci sa le adopti si sa le faci alte tale, depinzand de personalitatea ta. Nu pot sa ma numesc o persoana la moda, deoarece nu cumpar haine cand un nou trend apare, le cumpar cand am nevoie, cand imi place ce vad si cand mi se potrivesc si ma avantajeaza...Cred ca in acest mod ar trebui sa faca orice persoana...

I do not buy clothes often, but in this summer I really like the trends and I bought some Special Occasion Dresses. So you might ask what trend do I like that much that determined me to do some shopping...well floral print, I just love it. I think it is so feminine 

Eu nu cumpar haine des, dar vara asta chiar mi-au placut trendurile si am cumparat cateva rochite de ocazie. Si ati putea intreba de exemplu ce trend imi place asa mult ca m-a determinat sa fac niste cumparaturi...pai printul floral, pur si simplu il ador, cred ca este asa feminin.

 Aren't these dresses from just lovely, well the last one isn't floral print, but I think is perfect for the summer.

Nu-i asa ca sunt frumoase aceste rochite de la, pai ultima nu e print floral, dar eu cred ca e perfecta pentru vara.
And the floral print extends to blouses, shorts and skirts...with so many choices, you can not miss it.

Si printul floral se extinde la bluze, pantaloni scurti si atatea alegeri, nu va permiteti sa le ratati.

The pictures were taken as inspiration from efoxcity and because it is summer, wedding time, you can find wedding dresses under $100 on their website, there are also some with very nice flowers on them.

Pozele au fost luate ca inspiratie de pe efoxcity si pentru ca e vara, perioada nuntilor, puteti gasi rochii de mireasa sub 100$ pe site-ul lor, de asemenea sunt unele cu niste flori foarte dragute.

  Do you like floral print? What is your favorite trend this summer?

Va plac printurile florale? Care este trendul vostru preferat vara aceasta?

All the best,

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