The weather is great and also we had a free day, so I took advantage of this occasion and I went out for a walk with by boyfriend, he was the photographer. Recently I have received some beautiful silver plated jewelry from and I also have some new dresses so I decided to show you the combination I wore them. I hope you like it, I know I am not perfect, I do not pretend I am, just a regular person.
Vremea e frumoasa si am avut o zi libera, asa cam profitat de aceasta ocazie si am mers intr-o plimbare cu prietenul, el a fost fotograful. Recent am primit niste bijuterii frumoase de la si am niste rochite noi, asa ca am decis sa va arat combinatiile in care le-am purtat. Sper sa va placa, stiu ca nu sunt perfecta, nu pretind ca ar fi, sunt o persoana normala.
The dress is from Takko, it has a floral print and it is longer in the back then in the front, I really like it. The purse and the shoes are from Israel. As for the makeup, I did a colored one with purple, pink and blue, more photos in another post.
Rochia este de la Takko, are print flortal si este mai lunga in spate decat in fata, chiar imi place. Poseta si papucii sunt din Israel. Cat despre machiaj, am realizat unul colorat cu mov, roz si albastru, mai multe poze in alt post.
The walk was longer so the sun left, but it was so good, chilly and nice.
Plimbarea a fost mai lunga asa ca soarele a plecat, dar era asa bine, racoare si frumos.
Now to take a better look on the jewelry, I decided to wear the heart shaped necklace and the heart earrings, although they aren't a set, I think they match up really nice.
Acuma sa ne uitam mai bine la bijuterii, am decis sa port colierul si cerceii in forma de inima, desi nu sunt un set, eu cred ca se potrivesc destul de bine.
The earrings are Fashion Copper Frosted Flower Heart Drop Earrings With 925 Sterling Silver Plated. If you follow my blog, you must know by now that I am a fan of hearted jewelry, so when I saw these beauties I knew that they should be mine. They are medium as size 4.4CM*3.0CM, very light 8g and they are made of Sterling Silver. What I like besides the shape is the design, they look like they are embroidered, with the little flowers and the heart shape they are so cute. I really like the quality of the jewelry, they are shiny and although I sweat they keep their color. The earrings look very nice no matter the combination you choose, they will always stand out, due to the design and the quality.
Cerceii sunt Fashion Copper Frosted Flower Heart Drop Earrings With 925 Sterling Silver Plated. Daca imi urmariti blogul, trebuie sa stii pana acuma ca sunt fana a bijuteriilor in forma de inima, asa cand am vazut aceste frumuseti stiam ca trebuie sa fie ale mele. Sunt medii ca dimensiune 4.4CM*3.0CM, foarte usori 8g si sunt facuti din Sterling Silver. Ce imi place pe langa forma este design-ul, arata ca si cum ar fi brodati, cu floricelele mici si cu forma de inima sunt foarte draguti. Imi place mult calitatea bijuteriilor, sunt foarte stralucitoare si desi transpir acestea nu si-au schimbat culoarea. Cerceii arata foarte bine indiferent de combinatia pe care o alegi, intotdeauna vor iesi in evidenta, datorita design-ul si calitatii.
The necklace is 20'' Unique Design Applique Heart Locket Pendant with Zircon-inlaid 925 Sterling Silver Plated Copper .Yes, heart shaped necklace, I just can not see them without being mine. The necklace is medium long, not to short or too long, of course if you have a thinner neck, it would be longer. I like it's length, because I think is a delicate piece of jewelry that looks good at the neck. Like the earring, this also gives you the filling of being embroidered and it also has some small stones to add more shine to it.
Colierul este 20'' Unique Design Applique Heart Locket Pendant with Zircon-inlaid 925 Sterling Silver Plated Copper . Da este in forma de inima, pur si simplu ele ma cuceresc pe loc. Colierul este medium ca lungime, nici prea scurt, nici prea lung, bineinteles daca aveti gat mai subtire o sa fie mai lung. Imi place lungimea, pentru ca eu cred ca este o bijuterie delicata si arata bine in jurul gatului. Precum cerceii, aceste de asemenea da impresie de brodat si are niste pietricele mici care adauga un plus de stralucire.
What do you think about my post, would you like to post more outfits? Do you like the jewelry, if you do, don't forget they have good prices and free shipping.
Ce parere aveti despre postul meu, ati vrea sa postez mai multe outfituri? Va plac bijuteriile, daca da, nu uitati ca au preturi bune si transport gratuit.
*Do not forget about the international Giveaway were you can win a jewelry of your choice from here.
*Nu uitati de concursul unde premiul este o bijuterie la alegere de aici.
All the best,
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