Este vara si in aceasta perioada pielea noastra e mai probabil sa fie mai uscata, din cauza expunerii la radiatiile solare, clorului din piscina s.a. Asa ca pielea e mai sensibila si atunci cand folosesc epilatorul am nevoie sa o hidratez.
For my skin I always used skin lotions and, when I needed something more, I used body butter, mostly in the summer when I get tanned. I have never used body oil, because I didn't seen them much in the stores and because when I thought about oil, I thought that it wouldn't get absorbed.
Pentru pielea mea intotdeauna am folosit lotiuni de corp si ,atunci cand aveam nevoie de ceva mai mult, foloseam unt de corp, mai ales vara cand ma bronzez. Nu am folosit pana acuma ulei de corp, pentru ca nu prea le-am vazut prin magazin si pentru ca imi trecea prin cap numai ulei, ma gandeam ca nu o sa se absoarba.
In general I am satisfied with the products from Never say never, so today I am going to talk about Anian Body Oil.
In general sunt multumita de produsele de la Niciodata nu spune niciodata, asa ca astazi am sa va vorbesc despre Uleiul de Corp Anian.
Official description:
Anian Body Oil, with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, applied to wet skin, it forms a protecting film helping to maintain its ideal moisture level. Renowned for their beneficial proprieties, Vitamin E and Aloe Vera help improve the skin's smoothness and softness. Ideal for dry skin. It is quickly absorbed and leaves no oily sensation. Apply with a gentle massage to wet skin after the daily shower or bath, then dry as usual.
Descrierea oficiala:
Ulei de corp pentru piele sensibila sau uscata - pentru copii si adulti
Contine Aloe vera si vitamina E. Mentine nivelul normal de umiditate a pielii. Este recomandat pentru proprietatile benefice, cu ajutorul vitaminei E si Aloe Vera imbunatateste finetea şi catifelarea pielii. Ideal pentru piele uscata. Este absorbit rapid si nu lasa senzatia de uleios.
Instrucţiuni de folosire: A se aplica pe pielea umeda şi se maseaza uşor.
What do I think:
At first I thought it was to liquid, I was used to massage oil and I thought that should be the right density...nothing more wrong than that. Being liquid you can spread it more and in this way use less product. It is recommended you use it on wet skin, I personally used it after showering and after a quick time of removing the hair from my legs and in both cases I felt the same hydrating effect. Yes, it isn't going to be absorbed immediately by the skin, but it is not that bad and I feel my skin soft in the morning so it is worth it. I usually apply it after showering in the evening, it says to massage it, but I do not have the patience so I cover the body, then wait a bit so it is absorbed a little, dress up and go to sleep...until morning it has time to get into the skin. Like I said it is liquid, so do not put a lot of product, because is will not get absorbed, eventually you can swipe the excess with a towel after a few minutes.
The smell is very delicate, you hardly feel it so I think it is a good product for those of you who can't stand strong aromas.
This time I have an aspect I do not like, the bottle, I would have liked another way of dosing the oil. When you try to use only a small amount of oil you get product all over the bottle and you may spill .
The price is 7$ for 400 ml of product and you do not consume it quickly. I think this product is good in the summer when the skin is dehydrated and also in winter when it is very cold.
Parerea mea:
La inceput am crezut ca e prea lichid, eram obisnuita cu uleiurile de masaj si am crezut ca aceea e consistenta puteam sa ma gandesc mai gresit de atat. Fiind lichid poti sa il intinzi mai bine si in acest fel folosesti mai putin produs. Este recomandat sa il folositi pe pielea umeda, personal l-am folosit dupa dus si dupa epilatul picioarelor, in ambele cazuri a avut acelasi efect hidratant. Da, nu o sa se absoarba imediat in piele, dar nu este asa rau si imi simt pielea asa de fina dimineata asa ca se merita. De obicei o aplic seara dupa ce fac dus, se spune sa faci masaj, dar eu nu am rabdare asa ca doar il intind pe corp, apoi astept putin sa mai intre in piele, ma imbrac si ma pun la somn...pana dimineata are timp sa intre in piele. Cum am zis este lichid, asa ca sa nu puneti mult produs, pentru ca nu o sa fie absorbit, eventual puteti sa stergeti excesul cu un prosop dupa cateva minute.
Mirosul este unul delicat, abia il simti, asa ca eu cred ca este un produs bun pentru cei care nu suporta mirosurile puternice.
De aceasta data am gasit un aspect negativ, nu imi place sticla, as fi vrut sa aiba un altfel sistem de dozare al uleiului. Cand incerci sa folosesti o cantitate mica, torni ulei pe sticla si ai sanse si pe jos.
Pretul este de 22 Ron pentru 400ml si nu se consuma prea repede. Cred ca este un produs bun pentru vara cand pielea este deshidrata sau pentru iarna, cand e frig.
Paraffinum Liquidum, Ethylhexyl Stearate, Parfum, Aloe Barbadensis, Tocopheryl Acetate.
Green - best Yellow - good Red- not so good I can see that different ingredients differ from cosmetics dictionary to another. So this ratings are based on this one. Observ ca multe in ingrediente difera de la un dictionar cosmetic la altul. Asa ca acesta este cel pe care imi bazez ratingurile.
*Do not forget about the international Giveaway with were you can win a jewelry of your choice from here.
*Nu uitati de concursul impreuna cu Lavandine, unde vor fi trei castigatoare cu premii la alegere de aici si de cel impreuna cu unde premiul este o bijuterie la alegere de aici.
What do you think? Do you use body oil?
Ce parere aveti? Voi folositi ulei de corp?
All the best,
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