Am primit niste feedback foarte bun despre postul outfit de ieri, nu as fi crezut ca va plac postarile cu mine, pentru ca nu ma consider o fasionista sau ceva de genu, doar imi place sa ma imbrac dragut. V-am spus ca am niste bijuterii placate cu argint de la si am niste rochite noi, asta cere pentru o noua postare cu tinuta.
The dress is from Takko, they have some really nice pieces, flats from CCC, I know it would be best to wear some heels or platforms, but I had a long walk and I wanted to feel comfortable. As for the makeup, less if more so a red lip and some eyeliner.
Rochia este de la Takko, au niste articole foarte dragute, papuci de la CCC, stiu ca ar fi fost mai bine sa port niste tocuri sau platforme, dar aveam o plimbare lunga si vroiam sa ma simt confortabil. In privinta machiajul, mai putin e mai bine asa ca niste buze rosii si niste tus.
Now it is time to see the stars of this post, the beautiful silver plated jewelry, yesterday you have seen other fine jewelry.
Acuma este timpul sa vedem vedetele acesti postari, frumoase bijuterii placate cu argint, ieri ati vazut alte bijuterii frumoase.
The necklace is 18'' Fashion Design Full-Meshed Big Ball Pendant Necklace with 925 Sterling Silver Plated Copper.I really like big necklaces, statement ones so I really like this one, I thought it would look really nice with some small earrings. The chain is in a form of a circular tube and I like that is very nice and delicate worked. Although you might think it is chunky you will see that it is so nice and I think it would be a very nice touch to a business outfit. I have a tick neck, so it is at the base of the neck, but maybe for you it will be longer. The pendant has some nice texture and it looks really like with the big chain.
Colierul este 18'' Fashion Design Full-Meshed Big Ball Pendant Necklace with 925 Sterling Silver Plated Copper. Imi plac mult colierele mari, statement si chiar imi place acesta, cred ca arata foarte bine cu niste cercei micuti. Lantul este in forma de tub circular si imi place ca e foarte finut si delicat lucrat. Desi credeti ca ar putea sa fie butucanos veti vedea ca este finut si cred ca ar merge foarte bine la o tinuta business. Eu am un gat mai gros, asa ca el sta la baza gatului, dar poate la voi o sa fie mai lung. Pendantul are o textura interesanta si arata foarte bine cu lantul mai gros.
The earring are Fashion Copper Zircon Rose Stud Earrings With 925 Sterling Silver Plated White. I am a fan of small earrings, because I think they fit me best, larger ones do not look so good on me, and also if they are tiny they are cheaper so I have quite a collection. These are flower shaped with a stone in the middle, I think they are really classy and you can wear them regardless your age. I decided to pair this ones with the necklace, because it is big and I think if I would choose larger earrings it would be a to loaded look and with this ones is just perfect.
Cerceii sunt Fashion Copper Zircon Rose Stud Earrings With 925 Sterling Silver Plated White.Sunt o fana a cerceiilor mici, deoarece cred ca acestia mi se potrivesc ce mai bine, cei mai mari nu arata asa bine pe mine, deasemenea cei mici sunt mai ieftini asa ca am chiar o colectie. Acestia sunt in forma de floare cu o piatra in mijloc, cred ca sunt destui de eleganti si ii puteti purta indiferent de varsta. Am decis sa ii potrivesc cu colierul, deoarece este mare si daca as fi ales niste cercei mai mari cred ca ar fi fost un look cam incarcat si cu acestia e perfect.
What do you think about my combination? How would you wear the jewelry? Do you like them, if you do, don't forget they have good prices and free shipping.
Ce parere aveti despre combinatia mea? Voi in ce combinatie ati purta bijuteriile? Va plac, daca da, nu uitati ca au preturi bune si transport gratuit.
*Do not forget about the international Giveaway were you can win a jewelry of your choice from here.
*Nu uitati de concursul unde premiul este o bijuterie la alegere de aici.
All the best,
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