I played nice for a period of time, haven’t bought much
stuff, so it is time for a new order of stuff, including nail polishes. This
time I made the order with my sister so you will notice two pictures with
products, because I forgot to take a picture before we split them.As usual, they called me to confirm the order and in tree
days I picked the box from the post office. Well rapped the products were safe
and everything was like we ordered.
Am fost cuminte o perioada de timp, nu am cumparat mare
lucru, asa ca e timpul pentru o noua comanda de pe 1001cosmetice.ro. De aceasta
data am facut comanda impreuna cu sora mea asa ca veti observa doua poze cu
produse, pentru ca am uitat sa fac poza inainte sa le impart. Ca de obicei, au
sunat sa confirme comanda si in trei zile am ridicat pachetul de la posta. Bine
impachetate produsele au ajuns cu bine si totul era exact cum am comandat.
So what I ordered….I really like the Jolly Jewels
collection from Golden Rose, so when I have the chance I add one or two to my
collection, hopefully one day I am going to have all.
Deci ce am comandat….imi place mult colectia Jolly Jewels de
la Golden Rose, astfel incat cand am ocazia mai adaug una sau doua la colectia
mea, sper ca intr-o zi sa o am pe toata.
I really needed a cream for my eyes, so I thought I would
give a chance to the one from Farmec, a Roumanian brand that usually has good
products and really affordable prices.
Aveam nevoie de o crema pentru ochi, asa ca m-am gandit ca
ii acord o sansa celei de la Farmec, pana acuma produsele lor s-au dovedit a fi
bune si la preturi accesibile.
My sister wanted two nail polish from the newest Farmec
collection, a really nice orange and a
green. A beautiful peachy from Rimmel and a new mascara.
Sora mea a vrut doua oje din colectia noua de la Farmec, una
verde si una portocalie. Un peachy frumos de la Rimmel si o noua mascara.

Ea a cumparat MAYBELLINE MASCARA The Colossal Volum'Express CAT EYES. Puteti vedea din poze efectul si are o pensula mica si curbata. Pretul este de 23 Ron si il puteti gasi aici.
She also used Farmec Exotic Dream, it needs two coat to cover well and even so it is a bit transparent and king of wear of at the end if you do not use top coat.
Ea a folosit si Farmec Exotic Dream, ai nevoie de doua straturi pentru a acoperi bine si chiar asa e un pic transparenta si se cam roade la varfuri daca nu folosesti top coat. Poate fi gasita aici si costa 5 Ron.
What have you bought lately?
Ce ati cumparat voi in ultima perioada? Ce parere aveti de
site-ul 1001cosmetice.ro?
All the best,
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