marți, 29 octombrie 2013

Orange is for pumpkins

I just can not believe is almost November and it is warmer that at the begining of Octomber. After school I went for a walk, got a pachake from the mail post and took some photos to share with you. I decided for a casual outfit with a pop of color, halloween is here and the pumpkins with their orange color inspired my for my choice.

Nu pot sa cred ca este aproape noiembrie si e mai cald decat la inceputul lui octombrie. Dupa scoala am mers la o plimbare, am luat un pachet de la posta si am facut niste poze sa impart cu voi. Am mers pe un outfit casual cu o pata de culoare, halloween e aproape si dovleceii cu a lor culoare portocalie m-au inspirat pentru aceasta alegere.
Earrings:Random Store
 The outfit is composed by a orange T-shirt that I have from C&A, it was really cheap and I have in different colors with a white vest, it was part of my newest order from an online magazine from Romania. On the website the vest looked like a little longer, so I was kind of sad when I saw it, but no worries it looks great these way to over a dress especially.

Outfit-ul este compus dintr-un tricou portocaliu care il am de la C&A, a fost foarte ieftin si am in diferite culori si cu o vesta alba, care este parte din ultima mea comanda de pe Pe site parea sa fie chiar o vesta, mai lunguta, in realitate e mai degraba ca un bolero, ceea ce m-a intristat putin pentru ca vroiam ceva care sa tina de cald la spate...dar nu e problema merge foarte bine peste un maieu sau o rochita. Vesta Tally Weijl inca o puteti gasi pe site, iar eu am marimea XL ca sa puteti sa va faceti o impresie.
 In that order I also had a blue Bershka scarf and what I thought I use it for? Well for my hair, so I made a messy bun and I just wrapped just aboves my bangs and here it is. I think it is an easy hairstyle for the days your hair doesn't want to listen. Of course I can use the scarf for keeping my neck warm, but it was so hot, I didn't need it.

Din ultima comanda facea parte si Esarfa Bershka Unia Dark Blue si la ce m-am gandit sa o folosesc? Pai sa imi prind parul, asa ca am facut un coc lejer si am prins esarfa deasupra bretonului si gata. Cred ca este o coafura usor de realizat atunci cand parul chiar nu vrea sa asculte.  Bineinteles ca as putea purta esarfa ca sa imi tin de cald la gat, dar era asa cald, incat nu aveam nevoie de ea. Daca vreti sa o cumparati sa stiti nu este mare ca dimensiune, ci mai degraba medie.

 For the accesory part I took for a walk my new  jewelry from Rings and things. A kind of childish, but funny rocky horse necklace, you can adjust the length and it is really cute. I took a picture with it and a three and my boyfrined laughed that it looks like a decoration in the Christmas three.
As for the rings, I love them, they are my first mini rings and I like them so much. I didn't taught they would look so nice on my fingers, but the twisted knuckle midi ring really accentuate the manicure you wear.

Accesoriile pe care le-am luat la plimbare sunt de la Rings and things. Un colier in forma de calut care se leagana, un pic copilaresc, dar amuzant, a carui lungime este reglabila. Am facut o fotografie cu acesta si un copac, iar prietenul meu a ras ca arata precum decoratiile in bradul de Craciun.

In privinta inelelor, le iubesc, sunt primele mele mini inele si imi plac atat de mult. Nu credeam ca o sa arate atat de bine pe degetele mele, dar inele mini rasucite chiar accentueaza manichiura pe care o porti.
 What do you think about my outfit? And the new clothes and jewelry?

Ce parere aveti despre outfit-ul meu? Si despre noile achizitii? Despre ce parere aveti, mai ales ca au multe haine de firma la preturi mici?
All the best,

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