Recentely I had the chance to test a pair of glasses or sunglasses from Firmoo. I have sunglasses, so I decided to go with a colored pair of fashion glasses, because somethimes they could be the right accesory for your outfit. I started looking for the right pair and searching I found these ones and available in tree different colors: Patter.Red, Patter.Purple and Patter.Pink.
Recent am avut ocazia sa testez o pereche de ochelari sau de soare de la Firmoo .Ochelari de soare am, asa ca am decis sa merg pe o pereche de ochelari fashion, pentru ca uneori acestia ar putea fi accesoriul perfect pentru o tinuta. Am inceput sa caut perechea perfecta si cautand am gasit acestia si disponibili in trei culori diferite: Patter.Red, Patter.Purple si Patter.Pink.
I usually do not go with purple or pink, but I really liked this ones...ok so I have a design, but would it fit me ok? Thanks to their Virtual Try-On System, you can upload a photo, enter you PD(the distance between you eyes) and you can see how the glasses fith you. For me they were right, this pair is perfect for me and I am really satisfied, beacause I was a little nervous at first.
In mod normal nu merg pe mov sau pe roz, dar chiar imi plac acestia...bine, am modelul, dar o sa imi stea bine? Datorita Sistemului Virtual de Incercat, poti incarca o poza, introduci PD(distanta dintre ochi) si poti vedea cum iti sta cu perechea respectiva. In privinta mea au avut dreptate, aceasta pereche este perfecta pentru mine si chiar sunt multumita, deoarece eram putina nelinistita la inceput.
I was really pleased with the delivery, right at my dor and fast(a weak) , I didn't had to go to get them, they came to me. The glasses came with a hard case, a fost case, the cloth for keeping your glasses clean and a screwdriver with spare screws.
Sunt foarte multumita in privinta livrari, chiar la usa si repede(o saptamana ), nu a trebuit sa ma duc la posta sa il ridic, a venit la mine. Ochelarii au venit cu o carcasa tare, una din material, material de curatat si surubelnita cu surubele in plus.
In a sunny and warm day I decided to take the for a walk and see how it goes. At first I was a little nervous that I could have problems, I wasn't so sure that they are 100% fashion and do not have dioptries. But at the end of the day I didn't had a problem, like headache.
Intr-o zi frumoasa si senina am decis sa ii iau la o plimbare si sa vad cum decurge. La inceput am fost putin nelinistati ca as putea avea probleme, nu eram convinsa 100% ca sunt de fashion si ca nu au dioptrii. Dar la sfarsitul zilei nu am avut nici o problema, gen durere de cap.
If you are a blogger and you are interested of collaborating and testing products from firmoo, you can join in, just accesing the link and following the steps.
They also have an interesting program, first pair free, you only have to pay for the transport, but more details here, it doesn't take a lot to take a look and maybe you will realise that it is a good deal.
Daca esti blogger si esti interesat sa colaborezi si sa testezi produse de la firmoo, atunci poti sa participi, doar accesand acest link si urmarind pasii.
Acestia au si un program interesant, prima pereche gratuita, trebuie sa platiti doar trasnportul, dar mai multe detalii aici, nu dureaza mult sa trageti o privire si cine stie poate chiar veti descoperi ca e o afacere buna.
What do you think about them? Are you interested in their programs?
Ce parere aveti despre ei? Sunteti interesate de programele lor?
All the best,
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