joi, 20 iunie 2013

Cupio Individual Lashes - combo-Review

Today I am going to talk about individual lashes. If you haven’t used them or you do not really know much about then you should continue reading and you have tried you should also because I am going to show the individual lashes that I received from

Astazi am de gand sa vorbesc despre gene individuale. Daca nu le-ati folosit sau nu stiti prea multe despre ele ar trebui sa cititi in continuare si daca le-ati incercat at trebui sa faceti aceleasi lucru deoarece am sa vorbesc despre genele individuale pe care le-am primit de la

When you meet new people you look into their eyes,no? So you notice the look, the lashes differ from person to person, someone has longer one or they are fuller. To get a look that they would remember you can use false eyelashes, but I think for a beginner are hard to apply because you should fix them as close as you can to the natural ones and sometimes they look fake. Individual lashes are a better alternative if you are a beginner.

Cand intalniti o persoana noua va uitati in ochii lor,nu? Deci observati privirea, astfel genele difera de la persoana, unele au mai lungi, altele mai dese. Pentru a obtine o privire pe care sa nu o uite puteti folosit genele false tip banda, dar pentru un incepator cred ca sunt cam dificil de aplicat deoarece trebuie sa fixate banda cat mai aproape de baza genelor natural si uneori arata cam fals. Genele individuale sunt o alternative mai buna pentru un incepator.

So the individual lashes are one single lashes or  a number of lashes glued together at the end, they might have a node or might not have.  If they have a node, it is visible, this helps you apply them because you have a bigger base for the glue to fix to the natural ones. The ones without the node are more natural but you have to careful to make sure they are well glued and don’t fall out. With this kind of lashes you can get a more natural look, you choose the length that you want, short , medium or long and start applying from the exterior to the interior how many you want. You can create a natural look by applying in my case medium ones in the exterior and short ones in the interior or you can create a more dramatic look using the long ones. Yes this takes time, but you can add  how many you want. You will need adhesive,tweezers and lashes, you grab one piece from the end/the node with the tweezers and then dip them in the adhesive, but only to cover the bottom part and apply them. You could also use a eyelashes curler, because the false lashes could be more curled. I do not recommend using rimmel, because then you will have to remove it and removing it you will also affect the resistance of the lashes. Removing  the lashes is simple just apply makeup remover on a disk and hold it over them and they will fall.

Genele individuale sunt gene singure, un singur fir sau un numar de fire lipite la baza, care pot sa aiba un nod sau sa nu aiba. Daca au nod, acesta e mai visibil, dart e ajuta sa le aplici mai usor deoarece au o baza mai mare pentru lipici si pentru a le fixa de baza celor naturale. Cele fara nod sunt mai natural, dar trebuie sa fiti atenti sa fie bine lipite, ne avand o baza prea mare, astfel incat sa nu cada. Cu acest gen the gene false puteti obtine un look mai natural, puteti alege lungimea pe care o doriti, scurte,medii sau lungi si incepeti sa le aplicati din exterior spre interior cat de multe doriti. Puteti obtine un look natural aplicand, in cazul meu, cele de lungime medie in exterior si cele scurte in interior sau puteti ontine un look mai dramatic folosing pe cele lungi. Da acest process ia timp, dar in asa fel puteti sa adaugati cate doriti, voi decideti cand sa va opriti. Veti avea nevoie de adeziv, penseta si gene, luati o bucata de catre baza cu penseta apoi o bagati in adeziv, dar doar ca sa acoperiti baza si apoi le aplicati. De asemenea puteti folosi un ondulator de gene, deoarece genele false ar putea sa fie mai curbate decat genele dumneavoastra. Nu recomand sa folositi rimmel, deoarece va trebui sa il stergeti si asa veti afecta rezistenta genelor. Inlaturarea genelor este simpla, doar aplicati pe o discheta niste demachiant si o tineti un timp peste gene, fara sa frecati si veti vedea ca incep sa cada.

Now if you are interested in them after what I said about them, you could be interested in the ones from I received a combo packet of individual lashes without node. You cand find it here at the prize of 5$.
Si acum, daca v-am starnit curiozitate dupa cele ce am avut de spus, ati putea fi interesate in cele de la Eu am primit de la acestia un packet combo de gene individuale de toate cele trei marimi fara nod. Puteti sa le gasiti aici la pretul de 17 Ron.

"Prin intermediul site-ului puteti cumpara produse de calitate superioara la preturi excelente.Gasiti de la produse in materie de make-up(gene false, pensule, farduri, etc) pana la produse pentru ingrijirea corpului(geluri de dus, creme de corp) si a parului(extensii, uscatoare, bigudiuri).De asemenea site-ul ofera o o varietate de produse si pentru manichiura(geluri, lampi, pile, oje, lacuri,etc)."

“Throw the site you can buy high quality products at good prices. You cand find from makeup products(false lashes, brushes,makeup etc) to bodycare products(shower gels, body cream) and hair(extensions, curlers,driers). The website also provides a variety of manicure producst(gels, lamps, nail polishes etc.) ”

Here you can see the short, medium and long lashes.

Aici puteti vedea genele cele scurte, medii si lungi.

What do they say:
CupioLash individual lashes are high quality lashes that have a very natural look. Due to their quality, one applied at the eyes, you forget you have false lashes. The combo individual lashes without node from CupioLash are easy to apply.
The lashes are resistant to water and with the optimal care and the right adhesive, they can be warn up to 6 weeks. The lashes look better applied on the eyes, then on the box.

Ce zic ei:
Genele false individuale de la CupioLash sunt gene false de calitate superioara care au un aspect foarte natural. Datorita calitatii lor, odata aplicate la ochi, uiti ca ai gene false. Genele false fara nod combo de la CupioLash sunt foarte usor de aplicat.
De asemenea, genele false CupioLash sunt rezistente la apa, iar cu ingrijirea optima si adezivul potrivit, pot fi purtate pana la 6 saptamani. Genele false arata mai lungi aplicate la ochi, decat in cutie.

What do I say:
I like them because you can create a natural look or a dramatic one if you would like, the long lashes are like double the size of mine and you can reuse them. After applying them they fell natural, like you havened added anything. That I like very much, cause I can not get used to the false eyelashes, because I fell like they is something there that shouldn’t be.  I can say that when I removed them from the package, they were fixed with some glue, they didn’t break or suffered any visible damage, so they are resistant.

Ce zic eu:
Mie imi plac pentru ca poti crea un look natural sau unul dramatic daca doriti, cele lungi sunt circa dublu in lungime ca ale mele si pentru ca le poti refolosi. Dupa ce le-am aplicat se simt natural, ca si cum nu ai fi adaugat nimic. Asta imi place foarte mult, deoarece nu ma pot obisnui cu cele de tip banda, pentru ca le simt ca si cum nu ar fi locul lor acolo. Pot sa zic cand le-am scos din cutie, ele find prinse cu putin adeziv, nu s-au rupt si nici nu au suferit pagube vizibile, deci sunt rezistente.

At one eye I applied false eyelashes. I've applied 3-4 of each length, from long at the exterior, medium at the middle and small in the interior of the eye. You can see the difference.

La un ochi am aplicat genele false si la celalt puteti vedea genele mele naturale. Am aplicat 3-4 din fiecare lungime mergand de la lungi in exterior, medii la mijloc si mici in interior. 

  Did you used individual lashes? What do you think about them or about this review?

Voi ati folosit gene individuale? Ce parere aveti despre el sau despre acest review?
All the best,

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