Inca de cand eram copii eram invatati sa ne spalam mainile inainte de mancare, dar uneori nu este suficient, deoarece intri in contact cu bacterii peste tot, la servici, la scoala. Stiati ca s-au gasit bacterii serioase chiar si pe bani?
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For a long time I bit my nails, so thinking now how many germs I could have ingested this way... I also have a bad habit of touching my face during the day, when I think, when I am bored and there is no surprise that pimps start to appear...yes I could stop doing that, but it takes time, in the mean time I can assure that my hands are clean using antibacterial products.
Pentru mult timp mi-am mancat unghiile si stau si ma gandesc acuma cati germeni am ingerat in felul acesta... Am deasemenea un obicei prost de am atinge fata in decursul zilei, cand ma gandesc, cand sunt plictisita si nu este o surpriza ca incep sa imi apara cosuri... da as putea sa incetez sa fac asta, dar dureaza, intre timp pot sa ma asigur ca mainile mele sunt curate folosind produse antibacteriale.
Helping me fights against bacteria is the Antibacterial Gama from Touch. I have received an entire set of products from Touch for testing. I am glad I had this chance, because I got to see the difference between products and what would be best for me.
Impotriva luptei cu bateriile ma ajuta Gama Antibacteriala de la Touch. Am primit pentru testare un set intreg de produse de la Touch. Sunt fericita ca am avut aceasta ocazie, deoarece am putut sa observ diferentele dintre diferite produse si sa vad care sunt potrivite pentru mine.
Today I am going to talk about two of the products : Touch foam soap and Antibacterial Wet Wipes.
Astazi am sa va vorbesc despre doua produse: Sapunul Spuma si Servetelele Umede.
Touch Antibacterial Foam Soap
Official description:
Save 2 times more soap with Touch foam soap. Dermatologically tested and with natural plants extract in its formula(Aloe Vera, Burdock,Jasmine and Mandarine), Touch foam soap can be used both for hands and body. It offers a deep cleaning and provides up to 10 times more protection against bacteria compared to the traditional soap. Glycerin and oily substances soften and moisturize, protecting the natural acid balance of your skin, thanks to its pH values of 5,5. With the soothing effect of vanilla and rose essence, Touch foam soap offers your skin a pleasant smell after every use.
Price: 4.2 $ for a quantity of 500 ml
Sapun Spuma Antibacterial Touch
Descrierea oficiala:
Economisiti de 2 ori mai mult sapun folosind sapunul spuma Touch. Testat dermatologic si cu o formula pe baza de extracte din plante(Aloe Vera, Brusture, Iasomie si Mandarin), sapunul spuma Touch poate fi utilizat, in egala masura pentru maini si corp. Curata eficient, substantele sale active asigurand protectie impotriva bacteriilor de pana la 10 ori mai mare in comparatie cu sapunurile traditionale. Glicerina hidrateaza si ofera un aspect catifelat, dar in acelasi timp protejeaza si echilibrul natural al pielii, datorita ph-ului de 5,5. Imbogatit cu un parfum fin de trandafir si vanilie, ofera pielii dumneavoastra un miros placut dupa fiecare utilizare.
Pret: 14 Ron pentru o cantitate de 500 ml
First wet your hands and then press the foamer one and receive a hand full of foam. Wash your hands thoroughly and rinse off the foam with water.
Mod de utilizare:
Inmuiati mainile sub jetul de apa, apoi apasati pompita o singura data si veti obtine o cantitate suficienta de spuma. Spalati-va si clatiti din abundenta cu apa.
Ingrediente/Ingredients: Aqua, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Glycerin, Coco Glucoside and Glycerin Oleate, Fragrance, Triclosan, Aloe Vera Barbadensis Gel, Arctium Iapa L. Root Extract, Jasminum officinale L. Flower Extract, Citrus reticulata Blanco Fruit Extract, DMDM-Hydantoin, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Citric Acid.
What do I say:
I was surprised by this kind of soap, because I did not know that there are foam soaps, so this was new to me. In my opinion is quite a nice idea, because the soap is liquid but due to the special pomp it becomes foam, like the foam hair dye. In this way you are going to use the soap more efficient, because it isn't going to sleep between your fingers like the liquid soaps.To clean your hands you are going to need only one doze and it does it job perfectly. It has a pleasant, but delicate smell that I like. I think it cleans really well and it doesn't dried my skin, maybe due to the glycerin. This lass part depends from one person to another, because it doesn't dry up my skin, but my boyfriend said he felt his hands a little dry after using it. It says that you can also use it on your body, I personally didn't used it this way, so I can not say my opinion about it. I am going to come back and say how much it lasts.
Parerea mea :
Am fost surprinsa sa aud de un astfel de sapun, deoarece nu stiam ca sunt sapunuri spuma, asa ca a fost o noutate pentru mine. In opinia mea este o idee buna, deoarece sapunul este lichid dar este transformat in spuma datorita pompitei speciale care o are, precum la vopsele de par spuma. In acest mod o sa folosesti sapunul mai eficient, deoarece nu o sa iti curga printre degetele precum la cele lichide. Pentru a curata mainile ai nevoie doar de o doza de spuma si isi face treaba perfect. Are un miros placut, dar delicat care imi place foarte mult. Cred ca acesta curata foarte bine si nu iti usuca pielea, poate datorita glicerinei. Aceasta ultima parte depinde de la persoana la persoana, deoarece mie nu mi-a uscat pielea, dar prietenul meu a zis ca si-a simtit pielea un pic cam uscata dupa folosire. Scrie de asemenea ca se poate folosi si pentru corp, eu personal nu l-am folosit in aceasta maniera, asa ca nu pot sa spun opinia mea despre acest aspect. Am sa revin cu informatii despre cat de mult a tinut produsul.
*Latter edit : I finished at the begining of November and we were two persons we used it and for a month there were 5 persons. I am really satisfied with it and I already both a new one.
*Modificare ulteriora: Tocmai l-am terminat la inceputul lui Noiembrie si am fost doua persoane care l-am folosit si pentru o luna am fost 5. Sunt foarte multumita cu produsul si am cumparat deja altul.
Antibacterial Wet Wipes Touch Classic 15 pcs
Official description:
The antibacterial wet wipes Touch Classic have a special formula which eliminates 99.99% of bacteria and viruses. Ensure efficient cleaning of the skin and objects as well as surfaces that we come in contact with. Provide hygienic protection and are easy to carry anywhere and anytime. Recommended both for kids and the entire family. Dermatologically tested. Alcohol free. pH 5.5.
Servetele umede antibacteriene Touch Classic 15 buc
Descrierea oficiala:
Servetele umede antibacteriene Touch Classic au o formula speciala ce elimina 99.99% din bacterii si virusuri. Asigura o curatare eficienta atat a pielii cat si a obiectelor si suprafetelor cu care se intra in contact. Ofera protectie igienica si sunt usor de transportat oriunde si oricand. Recomandat copiilor precum si intregii familii. Testat dermatologic. Nu contin alcool. pH 5,5.
Ingrediente/Ingredients: Demineralized Aqua, Chlorhexidine Digluconate, Cetrimonium Bromide, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Paraffinum Liquidum, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexyglycerin, Perfume, Citric Acid, Tetrasodium EDTA.
What do I say:
I keep some wet wipes in my purse, because they are always useful, not matter why do you need them: to clean your hands, to clean an object, like the keyboard etc. I like their perfume the most from the products. I like that it doesn't have alcohol so it is skin friendly and it also has a 5.5 pH, which is the skin pH. When using them at first they are sticky, like any other wet wipes, but after a few second it get absorbed by the skin and the sensation goes away. With other wet wipes sometimes I got some foam when using them and it was annoying cause it didn't just go away to easy, I didn't have that problem here so this is a big plus.
Parerea mea:
Intotdeauna tin servetele umede la mine in poseta, deoarece sunt folositoare, nu conteaza pentru ce ai nevoie de ele : ca sa iti cureti mainile, sa cureti diverse obiecte , precum tastatura s.a. Imi place parfumul lor cel mai mult din intreaga gama. Imi place faptul ca nu contine alcool asa ca sunt prietenoase cu piele si, de asemenea, a ph 5,5, care este ph-ul pielii. Cand le folosesti, la inceput sunt un pic lipicioase, precum alte servetele umede, dar dupa cateva secunde pielea absoarbe substanta astfel incat senzatia dispare. Cu alte servedetele umede uneori pateam ca se forma o spuma cand le foloseam si era enervant deoarece nu disparea prea usor, nu am avut aceasta probleme aici, acesta fiind un mare plus.
About the color of the ingredients/Despre culorile ingredientelor:
Green - best Yellow - good Red- not so good
I can see that different ingredients differ from cosmetics dictionary to another. So this ratings are based on this one.
Observ ca multe in ingrediente difera de la un dictionar cosmetic la altu. Asa ca acesta este cel pe care imi bazez ratingurile.
How do you protect yourself from bacterias? Do you use this kind of products? What do you think about the ones I presented?
Cum va protejati de bacterii? Folositi acest gen de produse? Ce parere aveti despre cele prezentate de mine?
All the best,