vineri, 28 iunie 2013

Dress up with Dy Fashion

The summer has arrived and most of you are participating at different occasions, like weddings and baptisms so I thought I would show you some suggestions. When I have to participate at an event I must buy a new dress, I do not know why but it makes me feel special wearing it the first time...but looking for the right one, just say that it takes a lot of time. What I like is that these days you can find online more and more beautiful items at good price and quality, so you can look from your home and get items that normally you couldn't find in your town. 

 Vara a sosit si majoritatea dintre voi participati la diverse ocazii, precum nunti si botezuri asa ca m-am gandit sa va arat niste sugestii. Eu cand particip la un eveniment trebuie sa imi cumpar o rochie noua, nu stiu de ce dar ma simt speciala cand stiu ca o port pentru prima data...dar cautand rochia perfecte, sa zicem doar ca dureaza ceva timp/ Ce imi place acuma este ca putem gasi online din ce in ce mai multe articole frumoase la preturi accesibile si calitate buna, deci poti cauta de acasa si poti cumpara piese vestimentare pe care, in mod normal, nu le-ai gasi in oras la tine.

So in my quest of dresses I came upon Dy Fashion . I found a lot of beautiful items like dresses,bathing suits,accessories and you also can take a look at the sales or top sold items. If you are interested you can find a variety of dresses, designs, colors and textures at good prices.

 In cautarea mea de rochii am dat peste Dy Fashion. Am gasit o multitudine the articole frumoase precum rochii,costume de baie, acceosorii si, deasemenea poti sa tragi o privire la reduceri sau top vanzari. Daca sunteti interesate puteti gasi o varietate de rochii de ocazie,modele, culori si texturi la preturi bune.

I really like the feminin and girly dresses, I like that innocent look with which you can conquer almost every heart. I think most of the girls like to feel delicate so these next choices would be perfect for you.
At this model I like  everything, I like very much this light color and the lace goes really well in the design. I think it would be good as a day dress an event like the civil ceremony.

Imi plac foarte mult rochiile feminine si girly, imi place aspectul acela inocent cu care poti cuceri aproape orice inima. Cred ca majoritatea am vrea sa ne simtim delicate asa ca urmatoarele alegeri ar fi perfecte pentru voi. La acesta rochie  imi place tot, imi place mult culoare si dantela merge foarte bine cu modelul. Cred ca ar fi o rochie buna pentru un eveniment de zi, precum o cununie civila.
This dress reminds me of the ones that I saw ,in the movies , girls would wear at the prom. It is a good combination between sexy and girly. If you would like an innocent, but also a little bit sexy look I think this would be a very good choice. If I could redo my prom, I think I would choose something like this.

Rochia aceasta imi aduce aminte de cele pe care le vedeam in filme ca fetele le purtau la banchet. Este o combinatie buna intre sexy si girly. Daca vrei un look inocent si totusi un pic sexy cred ca ar fi o alegere buna. Daca as putea reface banchetul, cred ca as alege ceva asemanator.

This would be a great choice for the day, floral prints are in right now and the combination of white and pink is so beautiful. It is a simple design that has such an visual impact.

 Acesta ar fi o alegere foarte buna pentru zi, imprimeurile florale sunt la moda acum si combinatia de roz si alb e superba. Este un model simplu dar care are impact vizual.
This one is just gorgeous with the waves and the color. I think many of you wore or like to wear this kind of dress, maybe other color combination or length.

Acestea este pur si simplu superba cu voalurile delicate si acel roz pal. Cred ca multe dintre voi au purtat sau si-ar dori sa poarte o asemenea rochie, poate in alte combinatii de culori sau lungimi.

And now here we are from girly to sexy. The golden accent gives it a real plus in sensuality and really accentuates the cleavage without showing to much. The color combination of black, pink and gold really makes it unique.

Si acuma suntem de la girly la sexy. Accentul  auriu ii adauga un plus de senzualitate si accentueaza foarte bine decolteu fara sa dezvaluie prea mult. Combinatia de culori negru, roz si auriu o face chiar unica.

Now to take a look at the more sensual dresses, the ones that even if they cover most of the skin they scream sexy. I have chosen these dresses that I like very much: the blue one is you want to go "cooler" or the fuchsia is you want to be "hotter". I think that you need to have the body and the attitude to wear a dress like this, but in this case you are certainly going to turn some heads.

Acuma sa tragem o privire la rochiile senzuale, la acelea care chiar daca acopera mare parte din piele tot striga sexy. Am ales aceste doua rochii care imi plac foarte mult: cea albastra daca vrei sa fii mai "rece" sau cea fucsia daca vrei sa fii mai "fierbinte". Cred ca trebuie sa ai corpul potrivit si atitudinea potrivita pentru o rochie de acest gen, dar in acest caz sigur o sa intorci niste capete.

The black and white combination never goes wrong, especially with a dress like this.

Combinatia de alb si negru niciodata nu da gres, mai ales cu o rochia ca aceasta.

If I would be to choose I confess that I couldn't pick only one. I think I would get one from every style. These are the dresses that I liked, but if you would take a look on the site I am sure you would find the right evening dresses for you and for your needs.

Daca ar fi sa aleg una din cele de mai sus nu cred ca m-as putea decide. Cred ca as cumpara una din fiecare stil. Acestea sunt rochiile care mie imi plac, dar sunt sigura ca daca trageti o privire pe site o sa gasiti rochii de seara potrivite pentru nevoile voastre.

 What do you think about the ones I picked? Do you have a favorite? Have you bought from this firm or are you tempted in the future? I would be happy to hear what you like.

Ce parere aveti despre articolele alese de mine? Aveti o favorita? Ati cumparat de pe site-ul acesta pana acuma sau ati fi tentate in viitor sa o faceti? As fi foarte fericita sa vad parerea voastra.

All the best,

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