duminică, 26 mai 2013

Montagne Jeunesse Pore Strips - review

Recently I received from Montagne Jeunesse  some products for testing, this way I thank them for the oportunity, and now it's the time to share what I think about them. I must admit that the products tempted me for a long time, but I kept postponing buying them...So testing them could not be in a better moment. What I like is that
Montagne Jeunesse use natural ingredients and are against animal testing.

Recent am primit de la Montagne Jeunesse niste produse pentru testare, le multumesc pentru aceasta ocazie, si acuma e randul sa va zic parearea mea despre unul din ele.  Trebuie sa va marturisesc ca de mult ma tenteaza produsele lor, le vedeam pe rafturile magazinelor, imi faceau cu ochiul, dar tot am amanat... Deci faptul ca pot sa le testez nici ca se putea ivi intr-un moment mai bun. Ce imi place este ca Motangne Jeunesse folosete ingrediente naturale si sunt impotriva testarii pe animale.

Today I decided to tell you about the nose pore strips.

Astazi am decis sa va prezint plasturii pentru indepartat punctele negre de pe nas.

What they say:
The natural hardwood charcoal has excellent qualities to absorb excess sebum and blackheads for cleaner, less visible pores around the nose, whilst volcanic ash helps to clear dead sells.
How to apply :
1. Remove pore strip from inner pouch. Wash face and leave nose wet.
2. Remove strip from backing & dampen smooth side of pore strip. 
3.Apply damp side of pore strip to nose and press down for contact. 
4. Leave to dry for 10-15 minutes, carefully remove from edges and peel off.
Warning: Apply strip s soon as opened. Remove when stiff peel never pull! If difficult to remove dampen with water. Use only where directed, no more 3 times a week. Not for use on dry, sensitive or broken skin. Keep out of reach of children.

Ce spun ei :
Carbunele natural din lemn de esenta tare are calitati excelente in a elimina excesul de sebum si punctele negre , lasand porii din jurul nasului curati si mai putin vizibili, in timp ce cenusa vulcanica ajuta la indepartarea celulelor moarte. Instructiuni de folosire:
1 Spala-ti fata si lasa zona nasului umeda
2 Dezlipeste plasturele de pe banda si umezeste partea lui neteda
3 Aplica partea umeda a plasturelui si preseaza
4 Lasa plasturele sa se usuce timp de 15-20 de minute si apoi indeparteaza-l de la margini spre centru. Atentie: Folositi plasturele imediat ce l-ati scos din ambalaj. Indepartati imediat ce s-a uscat , nu trageti. Daca este dificil de desprins, inmuiati cu apa si trageti usot. Nu-l folositi pentru alte parti ale fetei sau ale corpului in afara de cele indicate si nuu folositi plasturi mai mult de 3 ori pe saptamana.
Nu-l folositi pe pielea uscata , sensibila sau iritata. Nu lasati produsul la indemana copiilor.

Before(My boyfriend nose and mine)/Inainte(nasul prietenului  si al meu)
What do I think:
I think it is a good product. It really cleanses your nose, but I think that if you really want to get rid of the black spots you should use them more often, like one time a week or so, because you know that they form back in time so it is a continous fight. But after one use I can say that I can notice a difference, especially the bigger ones. For some people the smell might be disturbing, because it contains charcoal, but others do not feel the smell. When you apply it make sure it is wet enough, this way it applies better and also you put it well from the first time, because if you move it will not fix the same way. I would liked it if it has a bump on both sides you it could cover all the nose, not only the upper side or the lower one. Also you might be careful when you remove it that I might hurt a bit, if you want you can wet it. After I saw the result on me, my boyfriend decided to try it... it was funny that in my case the strips covered the nose and also a bit of the face and in his case only the nose, so if you would try on a boy it is kind of small. I like that after using it I  felt my nose smother. Unfortunetly because of the dark color you can't really see the black spots that were extracted.
The package contains three pieces and it costs around 2.4$, so I think it a good price per piece.

Ce cred eu:
Cred ca este un produs bun. Chiar curata nasul, dar cred ca pentru a scapa de punctele negreu ar trebuie folosit regulat, gen o data pe saptamana, deoarece stiti ca punctele negre se formeaza la loc in timp, deci este o lupta continua. Dar dupa o singura utilizare pot sa zic ca am observa o diferenta, in special in privinta punctelor mari. Pentru unele persoane mirosul ar putea fi neplacut, dar alti nu il percep. Cand il aplicati asigurati-va ca e destul de dus, deoarece sa aplica mai bine si deasemenea puneti-l bine ded prima data, deoarece daca il mutati nu va functiona la fel de bine. Mi-ar fi placut sa aiba o zona si pentru partea de sus si pentru partea de jos a nasului, astfel incat sa fie amandoua acoperite in acelasi timp. Ar trebui sa fiti atenti cand il scoateti, deoarece poate durea putin, daca vreti puteti sa il umeziti putin. Dupa ce am vazut rezultatul pe mine, prietenul meu a decis sa il incerce...a fost haios, deoarece in cazul meu fasia acoperea atat nasul cand si un pic din zona din jur si in cazul lui abia acoperea nasul, asa ca daca il incercati pe un baiat este un pic cam mic. Imi place ca dupa ce l-am folosit nasul se simte mai fin. Din pacate din cauza culorii inchise nu prea poti observa punctele negre extrase.
Pachetul contine trei bucati si costa in jur de 8 Ron, deci cred ca rezulta un pret bun per bucata.

And how the strip looks after use/ Cum arata dupa folosire:

Have you used this product or any product from Montagne Jeunesse? What do you think about them? If you haven't does it tempt you now?

Ati folosit acest produs sau altele de la Montagne Jeunesse? Ce parere aveti despre ele? Daca nu, va tenteaza acum?

*Do not forget about the Oasap International Giveaway here.
*Nu uitati de giveaway-ul cu Oasap de aici .

All the best,

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