Cam in aceasta perioada, de obicei, renunt la adidasi, pantofi si merg pe sandale. Bineinteles in timpul sezonului rece nu suntem atente la cum se prezinta calcaiele, dar acum cand sunt expuse arata urat daca sunt crapate. De aceea in ultima vreme am folosit o crema pentru calcaie de la Farmec si astazi va povestesc despre ea.
In the past I was pleased with the products from farmec, so I had my hopes up for this cream. In the summer wearing opened shoes affects the skin , sometimes I even get nasty cracks or blisters.
The heel care cream has a delicate and pleasand smell of chamomile. It has a thick textured, because I think you need it be very hydrating for you heels to be soft. It you massage it gets absorbed, but it still is a little oily, but so far I haven't discover a heel cream that isn't like that. Because the creme is quite oily I use it before I go to sleep and avoid walking thourgh the house after. I apply a small amount of cream and massage a little to help it get absorbed.
The second day the heels fell so soft, the little crack dissaperead. Of course from time to time you need to remove the dead skin, but the cream is perfect to maintain the skin soft.
In trecut am fost multumita de produsele de la farmec, asa ca mi-am facut sperante in privinta acestei creme. Vara din cauza ca purtam papuci deschisi pielea este afectata, uneori chiar am crapaturi urate sau chiar basici pe calcai.
Crema pentru ingrijirea calcaielor are un miros placut de musetel. Are o textura destul de groasa, deoarece cred ca este nevoie sa fie destul de hidratanta pentru a mentine moale pielea picioarelor. Daca o masati se absoarbe, dar tot este putin uleioasa, insa pana acuma nu am descoperit creme de picioare care sa nu fi asa. Deoarece crema este destul de uleioasa o folosesc inainte sa merg la somn si evit sa ma plimb prin casa dupa. Aplic o cantitate mica de produs si masez pentru ca sa se absoarba mai repede.
A doua zi pielea este foarte moale, micile crapaturi dispar. Bineinteles din cand in cand trebuie sa inlaturam pielea moarta, dar crema este perfecta pentru a va mentine talpile moi.
I also noticed that my sister used the same cream, so I asked her about what she thinks. In a period because of some bad made sandals her heels cracked really bad and she said that with this cream she got her skin back to normal,
Am remarcat ca si sora mea foloseste aceeasi crema, asa ca am intrebat-o ce crede despree aceasta. Intr-o perioada din cauza unor sandale prost facute si-a facut niste crapaturi foarte urate pe calcaie si ea a spus cu ajutorul acestei creme a reusit sa aduca pielea la stare normala.
Aqua, Paraffinum Liquidum, Glycolic Acid, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Glyceryl Stearate, Ceteareth-20, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben, Retinyl Palmitate, EDTA, Parfume, Chamomilla Recutita Flower Extract, Propylene Glycol, BHA, Amyl Cinnamal, Benzyl Salicylate, Hydroxycitronellal, Butylphenyl Methylpropional.
Green - best Yellow - good Red- not so good
I can see that different ingredients differ from cosmetics dictionary to another. So this ratings are based on this one.
Observ ca multe in ingrediente difera de la un dictionar cosmetic la altul. Asa ca acesta este cel pe care imi bazez atingurile.
In conclusion you do not need to pay a lot of money for a good product. As I said the only minus is the fact that it is a little oily on the skin.
In concluzie nu trebuie sa platim multi bani pentru un produs bun. Acesta se gaseste pe siteu-ul farmeci aici la pretul de 6.90 Ron pentru 100 ml. Cum am spus singurul minus este faptul ca este un pic uleioasa pe piele.
What product to you use for you heels?
Voi ce produse de genul folositi?
All the best,
Sounds great!
Great review! Sounds amazing!
RăspundețiȘtergere<3 Shannon
Look like nice product! Thanks for sharing it!
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Wow...this definitely looks like a promising cream! My heels are starting to get cracked too!! Looks like I really need to start using this!! :)