vineri, 30 mai 2014

Pretty dress

I enjoyed this last week with the nice weather, sometimes it was to hot, but during the evening it was really nice outside. Unfortunatelly today rained a lot and the next days will be the same, but I managed to take photos the others day for a couple of outfits.

Mi-a placut vremea de saptamana aceasta, uneori era prea cald, dar seara era foarte bine afara. Din pacate astazi a plouat mult si urmatoarele zile vor fi la fel, din fericire am facut deja poze la mai multe tinute zilele trecute.
I always was a fan of long dresses, they are comfortable, sexy, but not to revealing so you can enjoy yourself without worrying about what are you showing. When I found this Oasap dress, it was a matter of what colors should I choose, because I like all of them. Finally I choose dusty blue, but I still would like the light yellow.
I decided to go with a casual outfit, but this dress would look really well in an elegant combination. You could choose a pair of sandals, a clutch, a pair of earrings, put your hair in a bun or some waves and you are good to go.
Lately I realised that I bought a lot of necklaces, but I need more bracelets too and I just love this multilayered ones. I also have this set on blue on it's way.

Intotdeauna am fost o fana a rochiilor lungi, sunt confortabile, sexy, dar fara sa arate prea mult astfel ca te poti bucura de iesire fara sa iti faci griji ca se ridica. Cand am gasit aceasta rochie Oasap, a fost doar o chestiune de ce culoare sa aleg, pentru ca imi placeau toate. In final am ales un albastru deschis, dar inca o vreau pe cea galben deschis.
Am decis sa merg pe o tinuta lejera, dar aceasta rochie ar merge bine intr-o combinatie eleganta. Puteti alege o pereche de sandale, un plic, o pereche de cercei, va strangeti parul intr-un coc sau niste bucle lejere si sunteti gata.
Recent am realizat ca am multe coliere, insa as avea nevoie si de bratari si pur si simplu ador acestea care sunt cu mai multe straturi. De asemenea setul acesta pe albastru este pe drum.

Dress/Rochie: HERE
Purse/Poseta: Bijuteriile Alexandrei
Shoes/Sandale: CCC
Bracelets/Bratari: HERE
Earrings/Cercei: Random Store
Sunglasses/ Ochelari de soare: HERE

What do you think about the dress? How would you wear it?

Ce parere aveti despre rochie? Cum ati purta-o?

All the best,

miercuri, 28 mai 2014

Complex Apicol-Apidermin Lejer

Complex Apicol Veceslav Harnaj lanseaza o noua gama: Apidermin Lejer. Apidermin Lejer urmareste principiile active ale gamei cu o istorie de 50 ani intr-o formula noua, lejera, destinata tenului normal, gras sau cu tendinte de ingrasare. Gama cuprinde 4 produse: lapte demachiant lejer, lotiune tonica hidratanta, crema lejera regeneranta de noapte, crema lejera hidratanta de zi.
Cu aceasta ocazie ne-au provocat sa realizam o descriere a unui ten fericit. Cred ca cel mai greu este sa ajungi la un ten fericit, experimente, produse diverse, pana gasesti combinatia care functioneaza pentru tine. Cum sa obtii un ten luminos, dar nu gras, dar nici uscat, eliminarea cosurilor, precum si punctele negre. Un ten fericit este un ten sanatos si care radiaza.

Ce inseamna pentru voi un ten fericit? Sunteti curioase de noile produse?

All the best,

marți, 27 mai 2014

Lovelywholesale giveaway and offers

Lovelywholesale has another giveaway on  their tumblr accound and the prize is $200 voucher.
From May 27th to June 1st, open to worldwide.
Are you ready? Here you go>>

Lovelywholesale are inca un concurs pe contul lor de tumblr si premiul este credit de 200$.
Trebuie sa le urmariti contul de tumblr si sa dati reblog la imaginea care anunta concursul.
Perioada este 27 may - 1 iunie si este international.
Participati aici->
 Also they have a few lovely dresses that are with free shipping and the prices are really good. All the products in the images are from them and you can find them on Lovelywholesale .

De asemenea au cateva rochite dragute care au transport gratuit timp de o saptamana si sunt la preturi foarte bune. Toate produsele din imagine sunt de la ei si le puteti gasi pe Lovelywholesale.

Good luck and happy shopping.

Succes si spor la cumparaturi.

All the best,

sâmbătă, 24 mai 2014

Triodeluxe concurs

Triodeluxe au fost draguti sa imi sponsorizeze un concurs. Astfel va multumesc ca imi sunteti alaturi si ca ma cititi.
Vom avea doua castigatoare, premiile constau in:
Premiul I:
Masca par Happy
Lapte corp Happy
Premiul II: 
Promo Happy Tropical(Gel dus Happy Tropical,Crema de corp Happy Tropical,Deo roll Happy tropical)

Pentru a participa trebuie sa completati formularul de mai jos. Aveti grija ca shareurile sa fie publice.

a Rafflecopter giveaway All the best,

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter D

For today we have D, for desert in my case. It is really hot now, so I thought of the desert heat when I did my nails.

Pentru astazi avem D, de la desert in cazul meu. Este foarte cald acum, asa ca m-am gandit la caldura din desert cand am realizat manichiura.
Do not forget to check what the others girls did.

Nu uitati sa verificati ce au facut celelalte fete.

  1. Mihaela -
  2. Rita -
  3. Ella -
  4. Oana -
  5. Mădălina -
  6. Andra -
  7. Ana Maria -
  8. Deyutza -

All the best,

vineri, 23 mai 2014

Herra Hair Perfume

For today we have a review for a not so usual product, a hair perfume. It is the first time I am using such a product and after a few weeks of testing I am going to tell you my opinion.

Pentru astazi am review-ul unui produs nu asa de obisnuit, un parfum de par, Herra Hair Perfume. Este pentru prima data cand folosesc un astfel de produs si dupa cateva saptamani de teste am sa va spun parerea mea.

After I found out that I am going to test it, I was really excited, because I wanted to know what it can do and how it smells. I know that it is not such a necessary product, but let's face it that today we are using a lot of products that are not elementary. You do not usually see reviews of perfumes on this blog, because I am not that good at describing them, but I will try my best.

Echipa Sageco Concept mi-a oferit sansa sa testez acest produs, fapt pentru care le multumesc. Dupa ce am aflat acest fapt, eram foarte nerabdatoare, pentru ca vroiam sa stiu ce poate face si ce miros are. Stiu ca nu este un produs necesar, dar sa fim seriosi, ca in ziua de azi folosim o multime de produse care nu sunt elementare. De obicei nu vedeti review-ul la parfumuri pe blog, deoarece nu sunt asa buna sa le descriu, insa o sa imi dau silinta.

I like the package really much, it is very elegant with the black and gold. Also the design of the botle is very simplist and elegant at the same time, I think it is apropriate for many people, being so clasic.
Every time we test a shampoo or balm, we always said if the perfume persists, but now we do not have this problem, because we can just use the hair perfume.
The product has 50ml and I think it is enough for a long period, because I pulverize like 3-4 times to cover the lenght of the hair and it usually stays for like two days. Ofcourse the second day the scent is not that intens, but I think it is better this way, a more discret smell that a very powerfull one.
The perfume doesn't make the hair sticky, heavy or something like that, I didn't have problems with it afecting my hair.
The scent is quite sweet... in one night my boyfriend told me it is so sweet, it should be fruity, so maybe it would be a bad ideea to be a larger variety of scents for them.
I think it is a good product for daily use, but most of all for al those times when your hair ends up smelling of cigaretes and you do not have the chance to take a shower.
They also say it protects agains pollution,UV and so on. I just say it smells really nice and it persists, the rest I can not tell.
Imi place pachetul tare mult, este foarte elegant cu negrul si auriul. De asemenea desing-ul sticlei este simplist si elegant in acelasi timp, cred ca este pe placul multor persoane, fiind mai clasic.
De fiecare daca cand testam un sampon sau un balsam, spunem cam cat persista mirosul, dar acum nu mai avem aceasta problema, deoarece putem folosi parfumul.
Produsul are 50ml si cred ca este suficient pentru o perioada lunga, deoarece la o utilizare pulverizez in jur de 3-4 doze pentru a acoperi lungimea parului si acesta tine cam doua zile. Bineinteles a doua zi mirosul este mai putin intens, insa parca e mai bine asa un miros mai discret decat unul foarte puternic. 
Parfumul nu incarca parul, nu il face lipicios sau ceva de genul, nu am avut probleme cu el, nu a afectat parul.
Mirosul este destul de dulce...intr-o seara prietenul mi-a zis ca e asa dulce, ar trebui sa fie citric, asa ca nu cred ca ar fi o idee rea sa fie o varietate de arome pentru ele.
Cred ca este un produs bun pentru utilizare zilnica, dar mai ales pentru acele momente cand parul ajunge sa miroase a fum si nu ai ocazia sa faci dus.
De asemenea se spune ca protejeaza impotriva poluari, razelor UV s.a. Pot sa zic ca miroase bine si persista, in legatura cu celelalte aspecte nu pot sa ma exprim.

  Daca sunteti interesate il puteti comanda de la Sageco Concept- un site ce comercializeaza extensii din par natural si care incepand din anul 2012 este unicul reprezentant oficial in Romania al brand-ului Tangle Teezer, iar din anul 2013 si-a adaugat in portofoliu, tot ca si unic reprezentant in Romania brand-ul Herra Hair Perfume.
Alcohol Denat, Aqua, Glycerin, Parfum, Butylene Glycol, Olea Europaea(Olive) Fruit Extract, Helianthus Annuus(Sunflower) Seed Extract, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool, Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Coumarin, Limonene, Sorbic Acid.

Green - best Yellow - good  Red- not so good
I can see that different ingredients differ from cosmetics dictionary to another. So this ratings are based on this one.  
 Observ ca multe in ingrediente difera de la un dictionar cosmetic la altul. Asa ca acesta este cel pe care imi bazez atingurile. 

All the best,

miercuri, 21 mai 2014

Mint and pink

Yesterday was a beautiful day, the program at school was relaxed and we could enjoy our free time. I can not wait for the session to end and the vacation to start.

Ieri a fost o zi asa frumoasa, programul la scoala a fost lejer si ne-am putut bucura de timpul nostru liber. Abia astept sa se termine sesiunea si sa inceapa vacanta.
 In the last outfit post you seen my Tidestore shirt in a casual combination, so today I thought I get it in a more office combination. Until lately I wasn't such a fan of pink, but after all it is a color like any other and I think it matches my skin tone. Also I do not have so many statement earrings in my collection, so this pink one are most welcomed. 
The outfit was to pink, so I spiced it up with a mint bag. I must say that I am impressed with the bag, on the website I couldn't see the details to much, I saw that it was mint and in reality you see the beautiful golden details that stand out.

In ultimul post cu tinute ati vazut camasa mea de la Tidestore intr-o combinatie casual, asa ca astazi m-am gandit sa va prezint  o combinatie mai office. Pana recent nu am fost o fana a rozului, dar pana la urma e o culoarea ca oricare alta si se potriveste cu tonul pielii. De asemenea nu am multi cercei statement in colectia mea, asa ca acesti roz sunt bineveniti.
Tinuta era prea roz, asa ca am condimentat putin cu o poseta mint. Trebuie sa recunosc ca am fost impresionata de geanta, pe site nu puteam prea bine sa vad detaliile, am vazut ca era mint si in realitate puteti vedea frumoasele detalii aurii care sunt in relief.
 Shirt/Camasa: Tidestore
T-shirt/Tricou: Takko
Skirt/Fusta: Pink Clove
Shoes/Pantofi: Lovelyshoes
Earrins/Cercei: HERE
Purse/Poseta: HERE
Scarf/Esarfa:Random Store
The summer is approaching, so I started looking for some cheap swimwear online and I can not wait to go to the swimming pool, enjoy the sun and the water. 

Vara se aproprie, asa ca am inceput sa caut costume de baie ieftine online si abia astept sa merg la piscina, sa ma bucur de soare si de apa. Voi la ce visati?

All the best,

sâmbătă, 17 mai 2014

Alphabet nail art challenge - Letter C

Today we have another post from the alphabet nail art challenge, letter C from Carnival, in my case. I wanted to cheer up your mood with a colored manicure.

Astazi este timpul pentru o noua postare din colaborarea alfabet, litera C de la Carnaval, in cazul meu. Am vrut sa va inveselesc cu o manichiura colorata.
I did a simple manicure, I started with a nude from flormar as base and added different colored glitter from Wow nail polishes I have. With acrylics I made the other designs.

Am realizat o manichiura simpla, am inceput cu o oja nude de la flormar ca baza si am adaugat diferite glitere din ojele mele Wow. Cu acrilice am realizat celelalte modele.
 Do not forget to check what the others girls did.

Nu uitati sa verificati ce au facut celelalte fete.
  1. Mădălina -
  2. Ella -
  3. Oana -
  4. Oana -
  5. Kinga -
  6. Andreea -
  7. Mihaela -
  8. Madalina -
  9. Rita -
I know that one nail is shorter, it just broke...I hate my nails lately...

Stiu ca o unghie e mai scurta, tocmai s-a rupt...imi urasc unghiile in ultima vreme...

All the best,

joi, 15 mai 2014

Win LW Free Items

Lovelywholesale has started a big giveaway on their facebook, with the name of “Win LW Free Items”.

Lovelywholesale a dat drumul unui nou concurs pe facebook, intitulat "Castigati Produse LW".
Details following:
1.Follow LW facebook,share and like the poster you like most of the day
2.One winner everyday,chosen from who shared the hottest poster.The winner will be prized with the most liked items
3.Winners will be published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

The giveaway will last for a whole month until June 14th

1. Trebuie sa le dati like pe facebook, share si like la posterul care va place cel mai mult in ziua respectiva.
2. Un castigator va fi in fiecare ales zilnic din cei care au dat share la cel mai tare poster. Castigatorul va primi produsele care au primit cele mai multe like-uri.
3. Castigatorii vor fi publicati luni, miercuri si vineri.
Concursul se va desfasura timp de o luna pana pe 14 iunie.

All the best,

Green and gold

This week the weather was bad and I had a lot of work to do for school, so I wasn't able to do outfit posts. These means that I had more time to do my nails.

Aceasta saptamana vremea a fost urata si am avut si multa treaba pentru scoala, astfel incat nu am putut sa fac postari cu tinute. Acest lucru inseamna ca am avut mai mult timp sa imi fac unghiile.
 I started with a greed polish from Avon, recently I started liking their nail polish more and more. These nail polish is a beautiful green with small shinning particles. I used a gold nail polish from essence to stamp a nice design from the moyou london back to the 70's -03 plate.

Am inceput cu o oja verde de la Avon, recent au inceput sa imi placa din ce in ce mai multe ojele de la ei. Aceasta oja este un verde frumos cu mici particule sclipitoare. Am folosit o oja aurie de la essence pentru a stampa un model de pe placuta moyou london back to the 70's -03 .

 Romwe News:
 The Sunny Spiker is only $14.99, 70% off, , just last for 40 hours left!

All the best,

marți, 13 mai 2014


When I received the stamping plates I was waiting from Moyou my nails broke, so when I have xxl plates I have small nails...that is not a problem, I just love them and since I received them all of my manicures included them.

Cand am primit placutele pe care le asteptam de la Moyou mi s-au rupt unghiile, asa ca am imagini mari si unghii mici...acest lucru nu este o problema, pur si simplu iubesc placutele si le folosesc la toate manichiurile mele de atunci.
 For today's design I used China Glaze as base and then stamped with moyra silver nail polish an image from moyou london back to the 70's -03 plate. I decided to do a more bling bling nail with Golden Rose Jolly Jewels.

Pentru modelul de astazi am folosit China Glaze ca model de baza si am stampilat cu oja argintie moyra un model de pe placuta moyou london back to the 70's -03. Am decis sa fac o unghie mai bling bling cu Golden Rose Jolly Jewels.

Romwe News:

Click here to vote for your Queen>>

 Vote tips:
1. Register to like your queen
2. The one gets more likes will get queen price:
   Black Raider:  $19.99(50%off)
   Sunny Spiker:  $24.99(50%off)
3. Time to vote:  5.13—5.14
4. Queen will come out on 9:00 AM(GMT), 5.15

 All the best,