Mi-a placut vremea de saptamana aceasta, uneori era prea cald, dar seara era foarte bine afara. Din pacate astazi a plouat mult si urmatoarele zile vor fi la fel, din fericire am facut deja poze la mai multe tinute zilele trecute.
I always was a fan of long dresses, they are comfortable, sexy, but not to revealing so you can enjoy yourself without worrying about what are you showing. When I found this Oasap dress, it was a matter of what colors should I choose, because I like all of them. Finally I choose dusty blue, but I still would like the light yellow.
I decided to go with a casual outfit, but this dress would look really well in an elegant combination. You could choose a pair of sandals, a clutch, a pair of earrings, put your hair in a bun or some waves and you are good to go.
Lately I realised that I bought a lot of necklaces, but I need more bracelets too and I just love this multilayered ones. I also have this set on blue on it's way.
Intotdeauna am fost o fana a rochiilor lungi, sunt confortabile, sexy, dar fara sa arate prea mult astfel ca te poti bucura de iesire fara sa iti faci griji ca se ridica. Cand am gasit aceasta rochie Oasap, a fost doar o chestiune de ce culoare sa aleg, pentru ca imi placeau toate. In final am ales un albastru deschis, dar inca o vreau pe cea galben deschis.
Am decis sa merg pe o tinuta lejera, dar aceasta rochie ar merge bine intr-o combinatie eleganta. Puteti alege o pereche de sandale, un plic, o pereche de cercei, va strangeti parul intr-un coc sau niste bucle lejere si sunteti gata.
Recent am realizat ca am multe coliere, insa as avea nevoie si de bratari si pur si simplu ador acestea care sunt cu mai multe straturi. De asemenea setul acesta pe albastru este pe drum.
Purse/Poseta: Bijuteriile Alexandrei
Shoes/Sandale: CCC
Bracelets/Bratari: HERE
Earrings/Cercei: Random Store
Sunglasses/ Ochelari de soare: HERE
What do you think about the dress? How would you wear it?
Ce parere aveti despre rochie? Cum ati purta-o?