I know soon it is going to be Christmas and all of you are doing holiday inspired nails...but I wanted something different and the stamping plate from Moyou Nails arrived just in time. The package from them arrived at my door, by courier and in a short time, under two weeks.
Stiu ca in curand este Craciunul si toata lumea face manichiuri inspirate de sarbatori...dar vroiam ceva diferit si placuta de la Moyou a venit la momentul potrivit.Pachetul de la acestia a ajuns direct la usa, prin curier intr-un timp scurt, sub doua saptamani.
Since I started adding stamping plates to my collection and I realized that I do not have any skull pattern. It is true I will not use it often, but when I want a more dark, rock design the patterns are perfect.
The size of the designs is perfect for large and small nails. The designs are really well done, I had no problem transferring them.
As you can see for the manicure I used all the designs, except one that was a bit width for my nails and they look perfect.
I also received from them a set of scraper and stamper. As I said before, I really like the plastic scrapers because they do not damage the plates and the stamper, although at first sight I didn't like it because it wasn't too squishy I think it is perfect for small designs.
Am inceput sa adaug placi de stampilat in colectia mea si am realizat ca nu am nici una cu modele de cranii. Este adevarat ca nu o sa le folosesc des, dar cand vreau o manichiura mai rea, mai rock aceste modele sunt perfecte.
Dimensiunea modelului este perfecta atat pentru unghii mari, cat si pentru cele mici. Modelele sunt bine imprimate, nu am avut nici o problema la transferul lor.
Dupa cum puteti observa dupa manichiura am folosit toate modelele, exceptand una care era un pic prea lata pentru unghiile mele, si arata perfect.
De asemenea am primit un set de stampila si razuitoare. Dupa cum am zis si inainte, imi plac razuitoarele de plastic deoarece nu strica placutele si stampila, desi la inceput nu imi placea deoarece nu era prea moale, consider acum ca este perfecta pentru modelele mici.
Products used/Produse folosite:
-Moyou Image Plate 67(aici/here)
-Moyou stamp & scraper(aici/here)
-Flormar Supershine 41
-Konad Black Stamping Nail Polish
-Moyra 66
Those are so bold and different. I love them!
Foarte faine sunt!
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sunt frumi unghiutele <3
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