duminică, 28 septembrie 2014

Fall Into Beauty

Today we have a new challenge, I know I wasn't part of challenges lately, but when I saw one dedicated to the new season, to autumn and whatever you want to post, nails, makeup, outfits s.a. I couldn't resist. So we have the people, the date and of course when I had to do the nails zero inspiration...

Astazi avem o noua colaborare, stiu ca nu prea am participat la colaborari in ultima vreme, dar cand am vazut-o pe aceasta dedicata toamnei si puteam face orice doream, unghii, machiaje, tinute s.a. nu am putut sa rezist. Deci avem participantii, data si bineinteles cand a trebuit sa fac unghiile zero inspiratie...

You know that lately I have been posting outfits, so I taught I would do an outfit for this challenge. I tried to think of my perfect autumn outfit and I came up with this combination: skirt and a nice comfy sweater to keep me warm. This week I received the discount codes from Takko and when I went shopping I found this beautiful blue sweater, so I decided to start the outfit from it. The skirt is actually a dress from H&M, but I liked the bottom part and the top part acted like a shirt underneath the blouse. I just love the combination skirt, sweater and with tights you can wear this no matter how cold it is.

Stiti ca in ultima vreme am postat tinute, asa ca m-am gandit sa fac si o tinuta pentru aceasta colaborare. M-am gandit la tinuta perfecta, din perspectiva mea, pentru toamna si am ajuns la combinatia fusta si pulover pentru a tine de cald. Saptamana aceasta am primit coduri de reducere de la Takko asa ca am fost la putin shopping si am gasit acest pulover frumos albastru, in jurul caruia am decis sa construiesc tinuta. Fusta este de fapt o rochie de la H&M, dar mi-a placut partea de jos si cea de sus joaca rolul de maieu de sub bluza. Imi place la nebunie aceasta combinatie si cu ajutorul colantilor putem purta astfel de tinute indiferent de temperatura.
 Sweater/Pulover: Takko
Jacket/Jacheta: Takko
Dress/Rochie: H&M
Tights/Colanti: C&A
Shoes/Botine: Deichmann
Necklace/Colier: Gift
Ring/Inel: Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei: Random Store
 And now my autumn inspired manicure...as I told you I hadn't inspiration, so I decided on a simple manicure inspired by the colors of autumn...

Si acum manichiura mea inspirata de toamna...cum am spus si mai sus nu prea am avut inspiratie, asa ca am decis sa realizez o manichiura simpla inspirata de culorile toamnei...

 I started with an orange nail polish from gabrini, then I added stripes,each nail with a different pattern. Then I decided to do a little gradient with textured nail polishes from golden rose, I wished I could had a darker purple/red for the last nails, but that color works two. So we have from the light to the dark one: golden rose holiday 79,53,64 and 58. I made photos with and without flash so you could see the sparkle of the nail polishes.

Am inceput cu o oja portocalie de la gabrini, apoi am adaugat benzi de nail art, astfel incat fiecare unghie sa aiba alt model. Apoi am decis sa fac un fel de degrade cu oje texturate de la golden rose, mi-as fi dorit ca pentru ultima unghie sa am un visiuniu sau un mov inchis, dar aceasta culoare merge destul de bine. Astfel avem de la cea mai deschisa la cea inchisa urmatoarele oje: golden rose holiday 79,53,64 si 58. Am facut poze cu flash si fara pentru a pune in evidenta particulele de sclipici din oje.

This is a collaboration with other bloggers/vloggs, so please take a look at their interpretation of this theme:

Aceasta este o colaborare cu alte bloguri/vlogguri, asa ca nu uitati sa trageti o privire pentru a vedea cum au interpretat aceasta tema:

1.Kleo - http://www.beautybykleo.com/
2.Madalina Radu (Honey) -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQjTAcpSvF77WtNgspGIlng
3.Ioana - http://addictedtomakeupro.blogspot.com/
4.Ral - http://ralumakeup.wordpress.com/
5.Teo - http://taitzel-make-up.blogspot.ro/
6.Anca - http://aquashells.blogspot.ro/
7.Ira - http://www.kindofira.com/
8.Oana - http://unghiutele.blogspot.ro/
9.Oana S - https://www.youtube.com/user/babyduoll
10.Romina - www.sparkleandlove.wordpress.com
11.Andra - http://andrakat.wordpress.com
12.Gabi - http://paginidezisinoapte.blogspot.com
13.Adelina R http://www.adelinaradu.ro/
14.Ana Fieraru - https://www.youtube.com/user/AnaFieraru/feed
15.Mădălina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro/
16.Silvia - https://www.youtube.com/user/LessIsMoreBySilvia
17. Denisa S http://simadenisa.blogspot.ro
18. Claudia http://claudiaschoice88.blogspot.ro/
19. Mariposa Romania - ( Tutorial Handmade )https://www.youtube.com/user/mariposaromania
20. Carla - http://sunafterstormblog.blogspot.com
21. Deyutza - http://deyutza87.blogspot.ro/
22. Andreea - www.dittanail.blogspot.ro
23.Lucia- http://www.allthatbeautythings.com/
24.Victoria- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcH5S7On3LI

I hope you liked my interpretation of these theme and I didn't bored you with the long post.

Sper ca v-a placut interpreatarea mea a temei si ca nu v-am plictisit cu postarea cam lunga.

All the best,

miercuri, 24 septembrie 2014

Blue tape rhomb manicure

 Lately I was thinking about beautiful manicures that are easy to make, but with a nice final effect. So for today we have a tape manicure, it is easy, there are a lot of combinations and the end result is beautiful.

In ultima vreme ma gandeam la manichiuri frumoaase care sunt usor de realizat, dar cu aspect final de efect. Astfel pentru astazi avem o manichiura care se realizeaza cu ajutorul benzilor de nail art, sunt asa multe combinatii posibile si e foarte usor sa realizezi o manichiura frumoasa.
  I started the manicure with a beautiful blue nail polish, Rimmel London 60 sec 842 Too Cool To Tango. It dries quickly and the application is easy with the wide brush.

Am inceput manichiura cu o oja albastra frumoasa, Rimmel London 60 sec 842 Too Cool To Tango.
Se usuca repede si aplicarea este usoara datorita pensulei late.
After the nail polish dry completely I started applying the tape, that I formed small rhombs with them. To be easy to remove them, do not forget to follow some order, for example I applied first the lines that go from left to right and then over them in the other direction. In the end do not forget to remove the tapes exactly the opposite.

Dupa ce oja s-a uscat complet am inceput sa adaug benzile, astfel incat sa formez niste romburi mici cu ele. Ca sa va fie usor cand le inlaturati, sa nu uitati sa le puneti intr-o ordine anume, de exemplu eu am inceput cu cele care vin din stanga spre dreapta si peste ele am adaugat cele din directia opusa. La sfarsit sa le scoate in ordine inversa.
After I was satisfied with the tapes alignment, I used farmec 29 and while the nail polish was still wet, I gently removed one tape at a time with the help of my tweezers.

Dupa ce am fost multumita de cum erau aranjate benzile, am aplicat farmec 29 
si cat timp oja inca nu s-a uscat, am inlaturat cate o banda de nail art pe rand cu ajutorul pensetei.
I decided to do only two nails with the rhomb design, I taught that if I did all of them it will be too much, so on the other nails I added some colored purple studs.

Am decis sa realizez doar doua unghii cu modelul de romburi, ma gandeam ca daca le fac pe toate ar fi prea mult, pe celelalte am adaugat capse neon mov.

Do you like my manicure? Would you like more step to step manicures?

Va place manichiura mea? Ati vrea sa vedeti mai multe manichiuri pas cu pas?

All the best,

luni, 22 septembrie 2014

Summer vibes

Since autumn arrived it's like I want to keep the warm weather and wear all those dresses that I didn't have the chance to wear them. The day is shorter, in the morning and evening the temperatures are lower, but during the day you can not keep me away from my dresses, it's like I wear them more now than during the summer...

De cand a venit toamna parca vreau sa ma agat de vremea calduroasa si sa port toate acele rochii pe care nu am avut sansa. Ziua este mai scurta, dimineata si seara temperaturile sunt mai mici, dar in timpul zilei nu poti sa ma tii departe de toate rochiile, parca le port acuma mai mult decat in timpul verii...

Today's outfit is one of my favorites, I like the color combination, it is cheerful and I had a good time wearing it. You've seen the dress in another post, it was one of those good finds at Carrefour and I like that is a light blue. Finally the trend with the kimono's got me and today I have a beautiful, colored with flowers one for you. It is a good way to adopt a summer outfit when it gets a little colder. I also did the make-up in a pink-purple color combination, I told you it was a summary look. The bracelet design is new to me with the ring attached, but I really like and I want more of them.

Tinuta de astazi este printre preferatele mele, imi place combinatia de culori, este vesela si m-am simtit bine purtand-o. Rochita ati vazut-o si in al post, este una din acele achizitii bune de la Carrefour si imi place ca are o nuanta mai deschisa de albastru. In sfarsit tendinta cu kimono-uri m-a prins si pe mine, iar astazi port unul superb, colorat cu flori. Cred ca o astfel de piesa ajuta sa facem tranzitia de la tinute de la vara la cele cand temperaturile sunt un pic mai mici. Machiajul l-am facut tot in aceeasi gama coloristica cu mov si roz. Bratara are un model nou pentru mine cu inelul atasat, insa imi place cum se vede si mi-as dori mai multe.
 Get the look, click on the word HERE to access the websites.

Kimono/Kimono: HERE
Dress/Rochie: Carrefour
Sandals/Sandale: Deichmann
Bracelet/Bratara: HERE
Flower crown/Coronita cu flori: Handmade by K.
 Do you still wear summer looks or you already adapted to autumn?

Voi inca purtati tinute de vara sau deja v-ati adaptat la toamna?

All the best,

vineri, 19 septembrie 2014

Green, blue and a pop of pink

I know that most of you have started school already, so for today we have a more dutiful outfit. Of course the outfit has my touch and for some of you the bright lips, nails are not acceptable at school, or you are not comfortable to wear.

Stiu ca multi ati inceput scoala deja asa ca pentru ziua de azi am o tinuta mai cuminte. Bineinteles tinuta are amprenta mea si pentru unele dintre voi buzele, unghiile in culori puternice nu sunt acceptabile la scoala sau nu va simtiti comfortabil sa le purtati.

The outfit is comfortable, made for a day out and a lot of walking. I chose to wear my new flats. Although on the website they are with black and blue I appreciate that I received an email explaining that in reality they have another color combination and attached a picture with them. They asked if I would like them anyway or if to remove them from my order. It was really nice, because I haven't a bad surprise when I received them. For the rest of the outfit I kept it in the same color theme, nice blouse, beautiful small earrings and my favorite new purse. Of course if you are going to school with manuals and books you need a backpack, but it has been a long time since I had one and at the university I usually write on white paper so I do not have to much to carry after me.

Tinuta este una confortabila, perfecta pentru o zi petrecuta afara si pentru mult mers. Am ales sa port noua mea pereche de balerini. Desi pe site sunt cu albastru si negru apreciez faptul ca mi-au trimis mail si mi-au explicat ca in realitate sunt intr-o alta combinatie de culori si au atasat o poza cu ele. Acestia m-au intrebat daca ii vreau oricum sau daca sa ii elimine din comanda. Mi s-a parut foarte frumos, deoarece nu am avut o surpriza neplacuta cand am primit pachetul. Pentru restul tinute am mers pe aceeasi gama de culori, o bluza draguta, cercei mici frumosi si poseta preferata a momentului. Bineinteles daca mergeti la scoala si aveti manuale si caiete aveti nevoie de un ghiozdan, insa a trecut ceva timp de cand aveam unul, acum la facultate scriu pe foi albe astfel ca nu am nevoie de prea mult spatiu pentru ele.
Blouse/Bluza: HERE
Jeans/Blugi: Takko
Flats/Balerini: HERE
Earrings/Cercei: HERE
Bracelet/Bratara: HERE
Sunglasses/Ochelari de soare: Lovelywholesale
Purse/Poseta: HERE
 What do you think about my outfit? What do you like to wear to school?

Ce parere aveti despre tinuta mea? Ce va place sa purtati la scoala?

All the best,

miercuri, 17 septembrie 2014

Tutti frutti manicure

Most of the summer I didn't do my nails, because they were in recovery, so now when I have them big again I can not wait to paint them all colors and show you manicures. For today I have done a tutti frutti manicure with the water decals from KKCenterhK.

Majoritatea verii nu mi-am facut unghiile, deoarece erau in recuperare, acum ca le am din nou mari abia astept sa port tot felul te culori si sa va arat diverse manichiuri. Pentru astazi am o manichiura colorata cu fructe cu ajutorul abtibildurile pe baza de apa de la KKCenterhk.
I started the manicure with a white base. Then using a make-up sponge I added three stripes of nail polish: gabrini white, farmec 29, flormar M106 and started dabbing. When I was pleased with the result I started adding water decals . In the end it is a bit crowded, but I wanted a tutti frutti manicure.
You cand find the water decals here.Remember yo use the code: OFataSimpla to get 10%off on KKCenterHk.

Am inceput manichiura cu o baza alba. Apoi folosind un buretel de machiaj am adaugat trei dungi de oja: alb gabrini, farmec 29, flormar M106si am inceput sa tamponez. Cand am fost multumita de rezultat am adaugat abtibildurile pe baza de apa. La final este un pic cam aglomerata, dar am vrut o manicure cu multe fructe.
Abtibildurile pe baza de apa le puteti gasi aici.Nu uitati sa folositi codul: OFataSimpla pentru o reducere de 10% pe site-ul KKCenterHk.

All the best,

duminică, 14 septembrie 2014

My sister's outfit with Tidestore

Last year, this month, I first introduced my sister to you, so I thought it was nice now to have her again on the blog. She is four years older than me and prefer more loose outfits and with a lot of black, gray, navy... But for today although she has a bit of black, she also has a colored outfit due to the skirt.

Anul trecut, luna aceasta, am introdus-o pentru prima data pe sora mea, astfel m-am gandit ca ar fi dragut sa o am din nou pe blog. Ea este cu patru ani mai in varsta decat mine si prefera tinutele mai lejere cu mult negru, gri, albastru inchis...Dar pentru astazi desi are un pic de negru, are si culoare datorita fustei.
The splash of color is the new skirt from Tidestore. I like that it has two colors, it gives a nice  optic effect. She decided to combine it with a simple black top and a beautiful necklace she received as a gift. The skirt also can be warn as a dress, but I think for shorter people, because it isn't that long.On the website you can find also different color combination for the skirt, from brown,blue,green to red.

Pata de culoare este noua fusta de la Tidestore. Imi place faptul ca are doua culori, creaza un efect optic dragut. A decis sa combine fusta cu o bluza simpla si un colier superb pe care l-a primit cadou. Fusta poate fi purtata de asemenea ca si rochie, dar cred ca pentru persoanele mai mici de inaltime, deoarece nu este asa de lunga. Pe site o puteti gasi in mai multe combinatii de culori, de la maro, albastru, verde pana la rosu.


What do you think about her outfit? Do you have sisters? How are they like?

Ce parere aveti despre tinuta ei? Voi aveti surori? Cum sunt acestea?

All the best,

vineri, 12 septembrie 2014

Last rays of sun

This year I didn't have the chance to go to the sea side, but that doesn't mean I can not enjoy the sun while walking near the lake Ciric in Iasi.

Anul acesta nu am avut sansa sa merg la mare, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu ma pot bucura de razele de soare intr-o plimbare pe la lacul Ciric din Iasi.
I ordered this striped bowknot straw hat at the beginning of the summer and waited for the perfect opportunity to wear it, but since the summer is gone I thought that it was now or next year. The blouse was a little more poofy than I saw on the website, my boyfriend actually laughed about it, but I really liked the pattern and the color combination, so I decided to give it a try with a cord in the waist. In combination with a pencil skirt I think it looks cute. Because the skirt gave it a more elegant look, I choose a pair of sandals to make it more casual. To bring a little color to the outfit I choose a yellow necklace and the blue hat.

Am comandat aceasta palarie la inceputul verii si tot am asteptat ocazia potrivita pentru a o purta, dar avand in vedere ca vara a trecut m-am gandit ca ori o port acuma ori la anul. Bluza a fost putin cam voluminoasa decat am vazut pe site, prietenul meu chiar a ras de cum arata, dar imi placea prea mult modelul si combinatia de culori, astfel ca am decis sa o incerc cu un cordon in talie. In combinatie cu o fusta creion cred ca arata destul de bine. Deoarece fusta adauga o noua putin eleganta, am decis sa aduc tunita intr-o noua mai lejera cu o pereche de sandale. Am adaugat putina culoarea cu ajutorul colierului galben si a palariei albastre. 
Blouse/Bluza: Romwe
Skirt/Fusta: Pink Clove
Earrings/Cercei: Random Store
Sandals/Sandale: Deichmann
Hat/Palarie: HERE
Today we talked about hats, recently I want more and more, I think they really complete and outfit. After I tested a few I realized that there are some designs that look nice. In the end I wanted to show you a few hats that are perfect for autumn.

Astazi am discutat despre palarii, recent vreau mai multe deorece am pararea ca acestea completeaza o tinuta. Dupa ce am incercat cateva am realizat ca imi stau chiar bine. Astfel la finalul postarii am vrut sa va arat cateva modele de palarii care sunt bune pentru toamna.


What do you think about hats? What is your favorite from my wishlist?

Ce parere aveti despre palarii? Care este preferata voastra din cele prezentate de mine?
All the best,