Astazi avem o noua colaborare, stiu ca nu prea am participat la colaborari in ultima vreme, dar cand am vazut-o pe aceasta dedicata toamnei si puteam face orice doream, unghii, machiaje, tinute s.a. nu am putut sa rezist. Deci avem participantii, data si bineinteles cand a trebuit sa fac unghiile zero inspiratie...
You know that lately I have been posting outfits, so I taught I would do an outfit for this challenge. I tried to think of my perfect autumn outfit and I came up with this combination: skirt and a nice comfy sweater to keep me warm. This week I received the discount codes from Takko and when I went shopping I found this beautiful blue sweater, so I decided to start the outfit from it. The skirt is actually a dress from H&M, but I liked the bottom part and the top part acted like a shirt underneath the blouse. I just love the combination skirt, sweater and with tights you can wear this no matter how cold it is.
Stiti ca in ultima vreme am postat tinute, asa ca m-am gandit sa fac si o tinuta pentru aceasta colaborare. M-am gandit la tinuta perfecta, din perspectiva mea, pentru toamna si am ajuns la combinatia fusta si pulover pentru a tine de cald. Saptamana aceasta am primit coduri de reducere de la Takko asa ca am fost la putin shopping si am gasit acest pulover frumos albastru, in jurul caruia am decis sa construiesc tinuta. Fusta este de fapt o rochie de la H&M, dar mi-a placut partea de jos si cea de sus joaca rolul de maieu de sub bluza. Imi place la nebunie aceasta combinatie si cu ajutorul colantilor putem purta astfel de tinute indiferent de temperatura.
Sweater/Pulover: Takko
Jacket/Jacheta: Takko
Dress/Rochie: H&M
Tights/Colanti: C&A
Shoes/Botine: Deichmann
Necklace/Colier: Gift
Ring/Inel: Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei: Random Store
And now my autumn inspired I told you I hadn't inspiration, so I decided on a simple manicure inspired by the colors of autumn...Jacket/Jacheta: Takko
Dress/Rochie: H&M
Tights/Colanti: C&A
Shoes/Botine: Deichmann
Necklace/Colier: Gift
Ring/Inel: Meli Melo
Earrings/Cercei: Random Store
Si acum manichiura mea inspirata de toamna...cum am spus si mai sus nu prea am avut inspiratie, asa ca am decis sa realizez o manichiura simpla inspirata de culorile toamnei...
I started with an orange nail polish from gabrini, then I added stripes,each nail with a different pattern. Then I decided to do a little gradient with textured nail polishes from golden rose, I wished I could had a darker purple/red for the last nails, but that color works two. So we have from the light to the dark one: golden rose holiday 79,53,64 and 58. I made photos with and without flash so you could see the sparkle of the nail polishes.
Am inceput cu o oja portocalie de la gabrini, apoi am adaugat benzi de nail art, astfel incat fiecare unghie sa aiba alt model. Apoi am decis sa fac un fel de degrade cu oje texturate de la golden rose, mi-as fi dorit ca pentru ultima unghie sa am un visiuniu sau un mov inchis, dar aceasta culoare merge destul de bine. Astfel avem de la cea mai deschisa la cea inchisa urmatoarele oje: golden rose holiday 79,53,64 si 58. Am facut poze cu flash si fara pentru a pune in evidenta particulele de sclipici din oje.
This is a collaboration with other bloggers/vloggs, so please take a look at their interpretation of this theme:
Aceasta este o colaborare cu alte bloguri/vlogguri, asa ca nu uitati sa trageti o privire pentru a vedea cum au interpretat aceasta tema:
1.Kleo -
2.Madalina Radu (Honey) -
3.Ioana -
4.Ral -
5.Teo -
6.Anca -
7.Ira -
8.Oana -
9.Oana S -
10.Romina -
11.Andra -
12.Gabi -
13.Adelina R
14.Ana Fieraru -
15.Mădălina -
16.Silvia -
17. Denisa S
18. Claudia
19. Mariposa Romania - ( Tutorial Handmade )
20. Carla -
21. Deyutza -
22. Andreea -
I hope you liked my interpretation of these theme and I didn't bored you with the long post.
Sper ca v-a placut interpreatarea mea a temei si ca nu v-am plictisit cu postarea cam lunga.
All the best,