luni, 22 septembrie 2014

Summer vibes

Since autumn arrived it's like I want to keep the warm weather and wear all those dresses that I didn't have the chance to wear them. The day is shorter, in the morning and evening the temperatures are lower, but during the day you can not keep me away from my dresses, it's like I wear them more now than during the summer...

De cand a venit toamna parca vreau sa ma agat de vremea calduroasa si sa port toate acele rochii pe care nu am avut sansa. Ziua este mai scurta, dimineata si seara temperaturile sunt mai mici, dar in timpul zilei nu poti sa ma tii departe de toate rochiile, parca le port acuma mai mult decat in timpul verii...

Today's outfit is one of my favorites, I like the color combination, it is cheerful and I had a good time wearing it. You've seen the dress in another post, it was one of those good finds at Carrefour and I like that is a light blue. Finally the trend with the kimono's got me and today I have a beautiful, colored with flowers one for you. It is a good way to adopt a summer outfit when it gets a little colder. I also did the make-up in a pink-purple color combination, I told you it was a summary look. The bracelet design is new to me with the ring attached, but I really like and I want more of them.

Tinuta de astazi este printre preferatele mele, imi place combinatia de culori, este vesela si m-am simtit bine purtand-o. Rochita ati vazut-o si in al post, este una din acele achizitii bune de la Carrefour si imi place ca are o nuanta mai deschisa de albastru. In sfarsit tendinta cu kimono-uri m-a prins si pe mine, iar astazi port unul superb, colorat cu flori. Cred ca o astfel de piesa ajuta sa facem tranzitia de la tinute de la vara la cele cand temperaturile sunt un pic mai mici. Machiajul l-am facut tot in aceeasi gama coloristica cu mov si roz. Bratara are un model nou pentru mine cu inelul atasat, insa imi place cum se vede si mi-as dori mai multe.
 Get the look, click on the word HERE to access the websites.

Kimono/Kimono: HERE
Dress/Rochie: Carrefour
Sandals/Sandale: Deichmann
Bracelet/Bratara: HERE
Flower crown/Coronita cu flori: Handmade by K.
 Do you still wear summer looks or you already adapted to autumn?

Voi inca purtati tinute de vara sau deja v-ati adaptat la toamna?

All the best,

6 comentarii:

  1. driving30_with_2gether22 septembrie 2014 la 22:05

    This is a gorgeous outfit. Those colours are stunning!

  2. Nicoleta Alexandra23 septembrie 2014 la 16:01

    Foarte dragut outfitul! Kimono-ul imi place tare mult:*

  3. Super! O tinuta colorata si vesela! :)

  4. Imi place mult culoarea rochiteti si unghiile tale se asorteaza foarte bine cu tinuta!

  5. Îmi place kimonoul, are un imprimeu foarte frumos!
