marți, 22 iulie 2014

Maxi skirt and mint color accent

I can not believe it is finally vacation, I can relax and do some summer shopping. If you have been shopping you know that lately there a lot of sales and some good ones to, with this occasion I have bought shoes, that I am going to show you in another post.

Nu pot sa cred ca in final e vacanta, pot sa ma relaxez si sa fac putin shopping de vara. Daca ati fost la cumparaturi stiti ca in ultima vreme sunt reduceri si unele chiar bune, cu aceasta ocazie am mai adaugat niste pantofi, care am sa vii arat intr-un alt post.
This summer there are a lot of new movies so every chance we get we go to the cinema. One time we were on our way to buy our tickets when I saw a new store in the mall, I do not pay attention on the stores that appear/disappear, but this one has some nice items and also there were sales. So we entered and it the back I found this beautiful long skirt, I love the colors and the design and it was mine.
Since I bought the skirt it became my favorite one and every time I wanted a more casual outfit I choose it. Today I watched it up with a simple black shirt and my newest necklace. I have seen this necklace on various color and finally I found the one that is perfect for me.

Aceasta vara sunt multe filme noi si cu fiecare ocazie mergem la cinema. O data cand eram pe drum sa ne cumparam biletele am vazut un nou magazin in mall, de obicei nu sunt atenta la magazinele care apar/dispar, dar acesta avea haine frumoase si reduceri. Asa ca am intrat si in spatele magazinului am gasit aceasta fusta superba, iubesc culorile si modelul asa ca a mea a fost.
De cand am cumparat aceasta fusta, a devenit favorita mea si de fiecare data cand vreau o tinuta mai relaxata o aleg. Astazi am completat-o cu un maieu simplu negru si noul meu colier. Am vazut acest colier in numeroase combinatii coloristice si in final am gasit-o pe cea potrivita pentru mine.
Click the word HERE to find where I got the products/Click pe cuvantul HERE pentru a vedea de unde am luat produsele. 

Shirt/Maieu: C&A
Skirt/Fusta: Random Store
Necklace/Colier: HERE
Shoes/Sandale: CCC
Purse/Poseta: HERE
What did you buy lately?

Voi ati profitat de reducerile din ultima vreme?

All the best,

4 comentarii:

  1. imi place mult fusta, iti sta foaaarte bine!! :)

  2. Si mie imi place fusta, dar si colierul.
    Imprimeu ei imi aduce aminte de print-ul ikat.

  3. Foarte frumoasa combinatia.Imi place mult cum iti sta! Superb colierul.Pupici! :*

  4. ce frumos e printul fustei, dar nici colierul nu e mai prejos <3
