sâmbătă, 29 iulie 2017

Egyptian Nail Art

On a facebook group with nail blogger I saw a nice collaboration with the theme: Place you would love to visit and this brought memories from when I was a kid, because since I was little I wanted to visit Egypt. My fascination with mummies started with a book. We had a subscription, periodically receiving new books for our bookcase, and one day we received bones a brochure with hieroglyphics and their translation. I was instantly fascinated with them and since them I wanted to visit Egypt, hopefully one day.

Pe un grup de facebook cu bloggeri pasionati de manichiuri am vazut o colaborare draguta cu tema: Locul pe care ati vrea sa il vizitati si aceasta mi-a adus amintiri de cand eram copil, pentru ca de atunci tot imi doresc sa vad Egiptul. Fascinatia mea legata de mumii a inceput cu o carte. Aveam subscriptie, periodic primind noi carti pentru bibleoteca noastra, si intr-o zi am primit cadou o brosura cu hieroglife impreuna cu traducerea lor. Am fost fascinata instant de aceasta si de atunci imi doresc sa vizitez Egiptul, care sper ca intr-o zi sa se intample. 
I started with an orange base and then stamped some designs. Unfortunately my konad stamping polish is running low and the design is not perfect, but I hope I will renew my stock soon. I only used a couple of time the clear stamper, but I found it very useful, it helps you to position the design.

Am inceput cu o baza portocalie si am stampilat cateva modele. Din pacate oja mea konad pentru stampilare se cam termina si modelul nu a iesit perfect, dar sper sa imi refac stock-ul in curand. Am folosit doar de cateva ori stampila transparenta, dar o gasesc foarte utila, deoarece te ajuta sa pozitionezi modelul.
-Flormar base coat
-Safari orange nail polish
-BornPrettyStore BP-31 stamping plate
-BornPrettyStore clear stamper
-Konad black stamping polish 

What place would you love to visit?

Ce loc v-ar place sa vizitati?

All the best,

duminică, 23 iulie 2017

Geometric Print Nails

I like a nice weekend where I just can relax and do what I enjoy. I finished the book that I started last weekend(review soon), started a new one and managed to do my manicure...which of course I ruined a bit by doing the dishes. Now I am relaxing with episodes from the Flash and ready for a new week.

Imi place un weekend in care pot sa ma relaxez si sa fac ce poftesc. Am terminat cartea pe care am inceput-o duminica trecuta(recenzie in curand), am inceput una noua si mi-am facut manichiura...care am stricat-o putin spaland vasele. Acum ma relaxez cu episoade din Flash si sunt gata pentru o noua saptamana.
I have this geometric plate from bornprettystore for  a while now and searched for an opportunity to use it and here it is. Inspired by the heat of summer I used this sandy nail polish from Laura Clauvi, that has a matte finish, but I applied a top coat so that all the shimmer shines. 

Am aceasta placuta cu modele geometrice de la bornprettystore de ceva vreme si am asteptat momentul sa o folosesc si iata ca a sosit. Inspirata de caldura verii am folosit o oja de culoare nisipului de la Laura Clauvi, care are finish mat, dar am aplicat top coat pentru a se observa mai bine particulele sclipitoare.
-Laura Clauvi N. 84 Golden Chestnut
-Astor 003 Orange Jelly
-Bornprettystore BP-L054
-Bornprettystore clear jelly stamper
- SallyHanse Insta-dri top coat
-Flormar base coat

How was your weekend? Are you ready for a new week?

Cum v-ati petrecut sfarsitul de saptamana? Sunteti gata pentru o noua saptamana?

All the best,

miercuri, 19 iulie 2017

Mini haul

Today I thought to show you what I've bought lately, there isn't much, but for some things I am really glad I found them.

Astazi m-am gandit sa va arat ce am cumparat recent, ceea ce nu e mult, dar pentru unele lucruri m-am bucurat destul de mult ca le-am gasit.

I was looking for jeans and went into New Yorker and then I remembered I bought in the past beautiful sneakers with flowers, would I get lucky again. My shoe number is 42 and until recently I could find at Deichmann, but then they removed the larger numbers and I searched for about a month for some cute sneakers... I was always directed to the boys section. I was pleasantly surprised to find lace black sneakers and also a comfortable pair. I bought a flower T-shirt because I couldn't resist.

Eram in cautare de blugi si am intrat la New Yorker cand mi-am adus aminte ca de aici mi-am luat niste tenisi frumosi cu flori in trecut si m-am gandit daca o sa am noroc din nou. Eu port 42 si pana de curand puteam gasi papuci la Deichmann, insa recent acestia au eliminat numerele mari si am cautam o luna intreaga niste tenisi frumosi... si intotdeauna eram directionata la baieti. Am fost placut surprinsa sa gasesc unii din dantela neagra si o pereche de tenisi comozi. Am cumparat si un tricou cu imprimeu floral caruia nu am putut sa rezist. 

I had a look at Bobo shop, they are moving their store, so everything was 50%. Normally most of their things are too expensive for what they are, but with the discount the prices were acceptable. Of course most of the merchantice was gone when I noticed the promotion, but I got a nice notebook and a jewelry case.

Am mers putin pe la Bobo shop, acestia isi muta magazinul, astfel ca totul era redus cu 50%. In mod normal majoritatea lucrurilor la ei sunt cam scumpe pentru ceea ce reprezinta, dar cu reducerea erau acceptabile. Bineinteles majoritatea marfii era gata cand am observat eu promotia, dar mi-am luat o agenda draguta si o cutie pentru bijuterii. 

For some while now I have been using hand made powder shampoo from BlueScent, that I prepare as I need it with hot water, no need for preservatives this way. I was running low on it so I made a  new order and also added a hair treatment, because recently my hair began to fall. I received also a gift this beautiful soap.
I am recently trying to reduce the plastic and it is easy to talk to local producers and get the product in glass containers, than at the supermarket.

De ceva timp folosesc sampon pudra hand made de la BlueScent, care il prepar pe masura ce am nevoie cu apa fierbinte, astfel nefiind necesari conservanti. Imi cam scadea stocul astfel ca am facut o noua comanda  si am adaugat un tratament de par, deoarece in ultima vreme imi cam cade parul. La comanda am primit un sapun frumos cadou.
Recent incerc sa reduc plasticul si este mai usor sa vorbesti cu producatorii locali si sa obtii produse in recipiente de sticla, decat la supermarket.

I bought unrefined shea and cocoa butter that I am going to use to create a cream. First I need to wait for the other ingredients that I ordered online and will surely make another post.

Am cumparat unt nerafinat de shea si cacao pe care le voi folosi pentru a face o crema. Mai intai trebui sa astept celelalte ingrediente pe care le-am comandat online si cu siguranta voi face alta postare.

What did you bought lately?

Voi ce ati cumparat recent?

All the best,

vineri, 14 iulie 2017

The Handmaid's Tale - back with a book review

It's been a while since I wrote on the blog... what can I say, it was a stressful period in my life and I needed time to get used with the changes and try to find myself in the new context. But I can not stay away forever from the blog. I posted rarely on instagram, but until now I haven't came back completely.

A trecut ceva timp de cand am scris pe blog... a fost o perioada stresanta din viata mea si aveam nevoie de timp sa ma obinuiesc cu schimbarile si sa incerc sa ma regasesc in noul context. Dar nu pot sta departe de blog pentru totdeauna. Postam mai rar pe instagram, dar pana acum nu am revenit complet.
Carusel Library
I decided for my first post to be a book review, because after I graduated I finally had free time and could get back to reading for fun and not just for college. Today's book I bought when I visited Bucharest and the beautiful library Carusel from the old city. I had the incentive to read it when I saw in one of Andreea Balaban's( Romanian vlogger)  videos that she recommended the tv show created based on the book. I knew I had to read the book before I could watch the show and now that I also watched season 1 of the show I will share my thoughts about it.

Am decis ca primul post sa fie recenzie de carte, deoarece dupa ce am absolvit and avut in sfarsit timp liber si am putut sa ma intorc la cititul recreativ si nu doar pentru facultate. Cartea de astazi am cumparat-o cand am vizitat Bucurestiul si frumoasa librarie Carusel din orasul vechi. Am avut impulsul de a citit cartea dupa ce am vazut in unul din videourile Andreei Balaban recomandarea pentru serialul creat pe baza cartii. Stiam ca trebuie sa citesc cartea inainte sa ma uit la serial si acum ca am vazut si sezonul 1 al serialul am decis sa va impartasesc parerea.
In a not so far future America, a christian regime takes over the power violently and women are deprived of almost all their rights, like having a job, money on their name, reading and almost any education. The world apparently is affected by the pollution and some toxic debrief, because of this the child birth dropped massively. So the women that are fertile are rounded up and made the so called handmaides. They will live in the houses of high commanders that can not have children and every month in the fertile period, during a process so called Ceremony, the man has sex with her in the presence of his wife in hopes that she will provide them a child. 
The book reminds as that all we have achieved regarding human rights, can be reverted in a moment if the good people stand without a fight. Also ironic that in the book only women could be infertile, it was forbidden to even hint that a man could be.
One other thing that terrifies me is that from the outside everything seemed fine in the country, they even had some asian tourists. Could you imagine that even today terrible things are happening in the world and we do aren't even aware?

Intr-un viitor foarte apropiat in America un regim crestin preia conducerea in mod violent si femeile sunt private the aproape toate drepturile, precum a avea o slujba, bani pe numele lor, a citi si aproape deloc educatie. Lumea este aparent afectata de poluare si ramasite toxice, din cauza calora natalitate a scazut vertiginos. Astfel femeile care sunt fertile sunt adunate si facute slujitoare. Acestea vor locui in casele marilor comandanti care nu pot avea copii si, in fiecare luna in perioada fertila, in timpul unei ceremonii, barbatul face sex cu slujitoare in prezenta sotiei cu speranta ca acestea le va da un copil.
Cartea ne aduce aminte ca tot ce am realizat in privinta drepturilor umane, poate fi anulat intr-un moment daca oamenii buni se lasa fara lupta. De asemenea este ironic in aceasta carte ca doar femeile pot fi infertile, este interzis ca macar sa sugerezi ca un barbat ar putea fi.
 Un alt lucru care ma inspaimanta este ca din afara totul arata normal in tara, ei chiar au turisti asiatici. Va puteti imagina chiar astazi lucruri ingrozitoare se intampla in lune si noi nici nu suntem constienti.
The tv show has only one season, but I've read that they will continue it. Even if I read the book and the show changes a few things, I really enjoyed it. The secondary characters were described more in the show and we find out more about their life before.

Serialul are doar un sezon, dar am citit ca va avea continuare. Chiar daca am citit cartea si serialul a schimbat unele lucruri, chiar mi-a placut. Personajele secundare primesc mai multa atentie in serial, afland mai multe lucruri despre viata lor de dinainte.

This makes me appreciated what we have, never take it for granted and always fight for it.

Acestea m-au facut sa apreciez ce avem, sa nu iau de la sine si intotdeauna sa luptam pentru asta.

All the best,