sâmbătă, 29 iulie 2017

Egyptian Nail Art

On a facebook group with nail blogger I saw a nice collaboration with the theme: Place you would love to visit and this brought memories from when I was a kid, because since I was little I wanted to visit Egypt. My fascination with mummies started with a book. We had a subscription, periodically receiving new books for our bookcase, and one day we received bones a brochure with hieroglyphics and their translation. I was instantly fascinated with them and...
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duminică, 23 iulie 2017

Geometric Print Nails

I like a nice weekend where I just can relax and do what I enjoy. I finished the book that I started last weekend(review soon), started a new one and managed to do my manicure...which of course I ruined a bit by doing the dishes. Now I am relaxing with episodes from the Flash and ready for a new week. Imi place un weekend in care pot sa ma relaxez si sa fac ce poftesc. Am terminat cartea pe care am...
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miercuri, 19 iulie 2017

Mini haul

Today I thought to show you what I've bought lately, there isn't much, but for some things I am really glad I found them. Astazi m-am gandit sa va arat ce am cumparat recent, ceea ce nu e mult, dar pentru unele lucruri m-am bucurat destul de mult ca le-am gasit. I was looking for jeans and went into New Yorker and then I remembered I bought in the past beautiful sneakers with flowers, would I get lucky again. My shoe...
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vineri, 14 iulie 2017

The Handmaid's Tale - back with a book review

It's been a while since I wrote on the blog... what can I say, it was a stressful period in my life and I needed time to get used with the changes and try to find myself in the new context. But I can not stay away forever from the blog. I posted rarely on instagram, but until now I haven't came back completely. A trecut ceva timp de cand am scris pe blog... a fost o perioada stresanta din viata...
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miercuri, 10 iunie 2015

My Soufeel Story

     Today we have a beautiful jewelry, that from the first moment became my favorite and without it I never go outside. I was charmed by the stories behind Pandora's bracelets for each in every person, but the prices were a little to high for me so I kept wishing. Now there I find the perfect alternative, I understand it is silver so I do not except low prices, but reasonable ones and Soufeel provides that and also a variety...
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duminică, 7 iunie 2015

Moyou Nails 105 Stamping Plate

     Today we continue in the girly way we started the week with a stamping plate with hearts and bows from Moyou Nails.     Astazi continuam in aceeasi maniera girly cum am inceput saptamana cu o placuta pentru stampilat cu inimioare si fundite de la Moyou Nails.      The Moyou Nails 105 stamping plate has 7 small designs, 4 hearts and 3 bows. Some of them are empty inside so you can make stamping decals or use them as they are.     I...
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marți, 2 iunie 2015

Laura Clauvi No57 Sweet Candy

     Today we continue with another polish from Laura Clauvi. Because the season for weddings started, I thought to present a delicate shade of pink that you can use to make a cute french or as it is.      Astazi continuam cu o noua oja de la Laura Clauvi. Deoarece sezonul nuntilor a inceput, m-am gandit sa prezint o oja intr-o nuanta delicata de roz care poate fi folosita asa cum este sau pentru un french dragut. *without flash/fara blit*      I...
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vineri, 15 mai 2015

Favorite products lately

      I usually do not do favorite products posts, because from month to month my preferences do not change that much and I usually do products review for the ones that I really like. Lately my free time has reduced, so I thought that I do a post with the products that I used frequently and that I like.          In mod normal nu fac postari cu produse favorite, deoarece de la luna la luna nu mi se schimba preferintele asa mult...
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marți, 12 mai 2015

Laura Clauvi 07 Backyard

    Today we are going to talk about Laura Clauvi Stamp N0 7 Backyard nail polish. Although it says stamp on it, thinking about stamping, on the website it says that it is a fast drying nail polish. Considering that I used it as simple nail polish and also for stamping to see how it does.      Astazi vom vorbi despre oja Laura Clauvi Nr 7 Backyard. Desi scrie stamp pe ea, ce ne duce cu gandul la stampilat, pe website...
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