
duminică, 7 iunie 2015

Moyou Nails 105 Stamping Plate

     Today we continue in the girly way we started the week with a stamping plate with hearts and bows from Moyou Nails.

     Astazi continuam in aceeasi maniera girly cum am inceput saptamana cu o placuta pentru stampilat cu inimioare si fundite de la Moyou Nails.

     The Moyou Nails 105 stamping plate has 7 small designs, 4 hearts and 3 bows. Some of them are empty inside so you can make stamping decals or use them as they are.
     I like that you have a small bow with little dots, I think it is really cute. From the hearts my favorite is the middle one, it looks great with the zig zag. I thinks it is really nice that the hearts are not symmetrical, because rarely you draw perfect hearts so it kind of imitates nature painting.
     The designs are small so I recommend using the small end of a stamp to positionate where you want them on the nails. Also the designs are separated so it is no problem to pick up only to one you want. I had no trouble with the transfer, but you must really clean those fine lines between the uses. I stamped with special polish and normal one with no problem.

     Placuta pentru stampilat 105 de la Moyou Nails are 7 modele mici, dintre care 4 inimii si 3 fundite. Unele din modele sunt goale inauntru astfel putand fi folosite pentru stamping decalas sau asa cum sunt. 
     Imi place tare mult fundita cu pucte, mi se pare tare draguta. Dintre inimii favorita mea este cea din mijloc, arata super realizata cu zig zaguri. Cred ca este foarte bine ca sunt si inimioare care nu sunt perfect simetrice, deoarece rare ori desenezi inima perfecta astfel ca imita un pic cum ai face in mod natural.
     Modele sunt mici astfel ca recomand sa folositi capatul mai mic de stampila pentru a pozitiona mai bine pe unghie. De asemenea modele sunt separate bine astfel ca nu aveti probleme sa luati pe cea dorita. Nu am avut probleme cu transferul, dar trebuie sa curatati bine liniile fine intre utilizari. Am folosit atat oja speciala, cat si normala fara nici o problema.
     I really like this plate and you can see that it can be used to create various manicures. I think it is like one of the essential stamping plate you need to have, because you can just place a bow or a heart on a manicure and it is completely different. You do not need to make a complicated design to have a beautiful manicure.

     Imi place aceasta placuta si dupa cum puteti  observa poate fi folosita pentru a crea manichiuri diverse. Cred ca este o placuta din seria celor esentiale pe care trebuie sa le aveti, deoarece aplicand doar o funda sau o inimioara pe o unghie aveti o manichiura total schimbata. Nu trebuie sa faceti un model complicat pentru o manichiura frumoasa.

     What do you think about the stamping plate?

     Ce parere aveti despre placuta?

All the best,

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